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Bicyclist riding on 108th

The 108th Avenue Complete Street project (video), open to the public in April 2021, builds on previous work for the 108th Avenue Bikeway, finished in 2018. The latest improvements make it safer and more convenient for people walking, bicycling, riding transit, and driving on this important north-south street through downtown Bellevue. It’s one of several Downtown Bikeways aimed at enhancing safety in Bellevue's busiest neighborhood. 

Complete Streets are designed and operated so that people of all ages and abilities can use them safely and comfortably however they travel. More information about complete streets is available in the project update.


108th Ave Complete Streets Detail Map

The project, which runs from just south of Main Street to NE 12th Street, includes numerous improvements, benefiting different groups who use the corridor.  

  • People who bicycle: Improve the existing bikeway using new pavement markings; upgrade sharrows to bike lanes between Main Street and NE 2nd Place; bike signals at Main, NE 2nd and NE 12th streets; more curbs, posts and planters to increase bikeway separation; and raised pavement in some busy driveways.
  • People who walk and roll: Upgrade mid-block crosswalks (between NE 10th and NE 12th streets, and between NE 2nd and NE 4th streets) with flashing beacons; improve accessibility; change shape of corners at some intersections to slow turning vehicles and make crosswalks safer.
  • People who drive: Repave the intersection at NE 2nd Street; designate more curb space for passenger loading and unloading; and modify traffic signals to improve safety.
  • People who take transit: Add red paint to bus-only lanes near Bellevue Transit Center to reduce unauthorized use and improve transit travel times; and improve the floating bus platform near NE 2nd Street.


Project construction completed (April 2021)


The estimated cost is $1.29 million and is funded by various city programs, including the voter-approved, 2016 Neighborhood Safety, Connectivity and Congestion Levy and by the Pavement and Bridge Management Program.

Outreach materials

Frequently Asked Questions

The improvements will make it safer and more convenient for people walking, bicycling, riding transit, and driving on this important north-south corridor through downtown Bellevue. Examples include smoother pavement, improved pedestrian crossing signals and more protected bikeways.
Yes. The decision to continue work on projects under construction and begin work on long-planned projects is based on guidance from Gov. Inslee's "Stay Home, Stay Healthy" order and further construction guidance. Funds for project design and pre-construction work were dedicated before the COVID-19 crisis began. Also, constructing the project at the same time is more cost effective than building different elements at different times. 
Yes. Access will be maintained for the duration of the project. The only impacts to residential and commercial driveways will be during active work when pavement is being removed or replaced. Temporary pavement between work hours will allow continued access to your property.
The Neighborhood Safety, Connectivity and Congestion Levy funds most of bike-related improvements, contributing about 40% of the total funding for the project’s construction contract ($512,000 out of a total $1.29 million). Other programs fund new pavement, accessibility improvements, enhanced crosswalk treatments, traffic signal upgrades, communication upgrades, curbside pick-up/drop-off zones and other improvements. 
This is required to provide the needed street width for dedicated bike lanes in the northbound direction. A new landscaped median will be reconstructed slightly to the north and will be wider than the existing median.
No. Southbound through traffic will still be restricted, except for buses and bikes. The traffic signal at Main Street and 108th Avenue will be modified to include “No Thru Movement” signage, dedicated right turn arrows, and a specific bus signal. This new signal configuration will reinforce the southbound restriction.
Yes. The dedicated bike box in the northbound direction on 108th Avenue SE will be removed and replaced in a different location closer to the curb line. This will benefit vehicle movements by allowing drivers to make right turns on red (this is not allowed today). The intersection will also include a new dedicated bike signal, improving safety for people who bicycle.