Station area planning for the East Main light rail station was completed when the City Council adopted a station area plan in August 2016. Implementation, led by the Community Development Department, is now underway. Visit the East Main Transit-Oriented District webpage for current information on the East Main Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA).
The East Main Station Area Plan contains recommendations for development of the area around the East Main light rail station developed by a citizen advisory committee appointed by the City Council. The advisory committee held meetings from September 2014 through June 2016.
The East Main station will serve the southeast portion of downtown, hotels and businesses east of 112th Avenue Southeast and the Surrey Downs residential neighborhood. Although the area east of 112th Avenue Southeast has redevelopment potential, redevelopment is not under consideration for the area west side of the street.
In August 2016, the City Council approved the East Main Station Area Plan as recommended by the East Main Citizens Advisory Committee.
There are 33 strategies for integrating the light rail station and future development. The strategies range from parking monitoring to pedestrian and bicycle projects to rezoning existing commercial properties for a mix of residential, retail, office and hotel uses.
The advisory committee studied:- Current and future neighborhood character
- Neighborhood access, traffic and parking
- Pedestrian, bicycle and transit connections to the station
- Zoning to allow for transit-oriented development only on the east side of 112th Avenue SE
Current Character:
- Mid-20th century single-family, Surrey Downs neighborhood in southwest quadrant;
- Hotel and office uses east of 112th Avenue -- transit-oriented development potential;
- Eastern half of station area bisected by I-405;
- North of main Street (downtown) -- mix of office, retail and residential uses.