In Development Services we review plans and issue permits for construction projects and land uses. The permit process includes permit application, plan review, contractor approval and inspections.
If you have never applied for a permit with the City of Bellevue, our Getting Started page provides guidance, including a permitting and plan review guide with step-by-step instructions on permitting, plan review, hiring a contractor and inspection requirements.
A Predevelopment Services Review offers assistance early in the development process so you can receive help and feedback with your project before submitting a permit application.
If you are still unsure how to proceed, please contact our permit center. City staff will answer all your questions and work with you throughout the permit and plan review process. Bellevue's permitting data (1998 to present) is available in the city's Open Data portal.
Permit News
Changes to the Local Project Review Act
The Bellevue City Council approved land use code amendments and three streamlining measures that align city regulations with the requirements of Senate Bill (SB) 5290, which was signed into law in 2023. The code amendments incorporate changes to codify permit timelines, clarify application requirements, and streamline processes to improve efficiency for development permits. Specific updates include simplifying language requirements for certain types of projects and enhancing rules for determining application completeness. Some of the process changes mean applicants will need to combine certain documents into one file, instead of uploading separate documents. Applicants will also need to include "Bookmarks" in their PDF plans.
The changes will apply only to certain permits. The existing permit pages, which provide information about permit types and submittal requirements, are being updated now to reflect the changes and updated process. More information is on the Permit Streamlining LUCA page.
Updated Tree Codes
On July 9, the Bellevue City Council adopted a comprehensive set of amendments to Bellevue's Land Use Code and City Code regulations related to trees. The most significant amendments include a new approach to the way tree removal associated with development proposals is regulated, and new permit requirements to remove trees on private property outside of a development proposal. Development proposals must now maintain a minimum tree density based on the property size and type of development, calculated with tree credits. Minimum tree density can be achieved by retaining existing trees or planting new trees, and a fee-in-lieu per tree credit is available when additional planting is not possible. Outside of development proposals, a permit is now required to remove any significant or landmark tree located on private property. New replanting requirements apply to non-hazardous tree removal on nonresidential property, and on residential property under certain circumstances. The City is developing a new, more affordable Clearing and Grading permit type to review limited tree removal on residential property.
Permit Search
Search for the type of permit you want, using the menu options on the left or use our permit search function.
Refer to Permit FAQs and Building Permit Requirements for guidance on when you need a permit.
Some projects that can require a permit include:
- Accessory Dwelling Unit
- Decks
- Furnace or Water Heater Replacement
- Remodel with no structural work
- Reroof
- Tree Removal