Search for names, phone numbers and email addresses by department, first or last name using our employee directory or check out our organizational chart. General questions about topics listed below can be directed to appropriate staff by either phone or e-mail.
Billing Customer Service
Invoices, payment options
Phone: 425-452-6860
Email: DS_Billing@bellevuewa.gov
Billing Pay by Phone
Pay by phone with Visa or MasterCard
Phone: 425-452-6875
Building Plan Review
Building, structural, electrical, mechanical, plumbing
Phone: 425-452-4121
E-mail: buildingreview@bellevuewa.gov
Building Inspection
Building, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing
Phone: 425-452-4570
Clearing & Grading Review
Tree cutting, clearing, grading, erosion control, seasonal restrictions, rockeries
Phone: 425-452-2019
E-mail: clearandgradereview@bellevuewa.gov
Clearing & Grading Inspection
Tree cutting, clearing, grading, erosion control, seasonal restrictions, rockeries
Phone: 425-452-4570
Code Compliance
Code complaints and violations
Phone: 425-452-2047
Report violations online: http://assist.bellevuewa.gov/
Fire Review
Fire alarms, fire sprinklers, fire suppression systems, smoke control, fire truck access, fire service areas
Phone: 425-452-4122
E-mail: firereview@bellevuewa.gov
Fire Inspection
Fire alarms, fire sprinklers, fire suppression systems, smoke control, fire truck access, fire service areas
Phone: 425-452-4254
E-mail: fireconstructioninsp@bellevuewa.gov
Inspection Requests
Building, clearing & grading, electrical, fire, land use, mechanical, plumbing, right of way, utilities
Online: https://inspection.mybuildingpermit.com/
Phone: 425-452-6875
Land Use Review & Inspections
Zoning, site development, environmental issues, land use controls
Phone: 425-452-4188
E-mail: landusereview@bellevuewa.gov
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Review
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing application questions
Phone: 425-452-6873
E-mail: mepreview@bellevuewa.gov
MyBuildingPermit homepage
Apply Online
Check Status
Request Inspection
Permit Processing
Submittal requirements, fees, timelines, permit status
Phone: 425-452-4898
E-mail: permits@bellevuewa.gov
Public Records
Be sure to provide as much information as possible and include a permit number or address
Phone: 425-452-7914
E-mail: dsrecords@bellevuewa.gov
Right of Way Use
Construction of driveways, fences, sidewalks, curb/gutter and landscape walls. Vegetation removal/tree maintenance or street use such as truck loading and unloading, lane closures, or block parties
Phone: 425-452-4189
E-mail: rightofwayuse@bellevuewa.gov
Transportation Development Review
Impact fees, transportation mitigation, frontage improvements for new development
Phone: 425-452-4236
E-mail: transportationdevrev@bellevuewa.gov
Transportation / Right-of-Way Inspections
Lane closures, trenching
Phone: 425-452-6966
Utilities Review
Water, sewer, storm drainage
Phone: 425-452-4187
E-mail: utilityreview@bellevuewa.gov
Utilities Inspection
Water, sewer, storm drainage
Phone: 425-452-6977