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Coal Creek Parkway

Help us plan for healthier streams

As our city grows, we need to act to protect our waterways. The City of Bellevue is developing a plan to improve the health of our streams for people and wildlife, and we need your input! Watch this video or visit EngagingBellevue.com/watershed-management to learn more.

贝尔维尤 (Bellevue) 水域管理计划. 随着城市的发展,我们需要采取行动保护我们的水道。贝尔维尤市(City of Bellevue)在制定一项计划来改善人们和野生动物的水流状况,我们需要您的参与! 了解更多信息并在“参与贝尔维尤(Engaging Bellevue)”上分享您的意见。

流域管理計劃。 隨著我們城市的發展,我們需要採取行動保護我們的水道。貝爾維尤市正在制定一項為期20年的流域管理計劃。該計劃將建議可採取的行動,為居民和野生動物改善河流的健康。了解更多信息並在“參與貝爾維尤(Engaging Bellevue)上分享您的意見。

벨뷰 배수 분지 관리 계획. 우리 도시가 성장함에 따라 수로를보호하기위한행동을취해야만합니다. 벨뷰시는사람과야생동물을위해우리하천의건강을개선하기위한계획을개발하고있으며, 관련해서여러분의의견을듣고싶습니다! Engaging Bellevue에서 자세히 알아보시고 의견을 나누어주세요.

План управления водосбором г. Белвью (Bellevue). По мере роста нашего города нам необходимо принимать меры по защите наших водных путей (таких как реки и каналы). Администрация г. Белвью (Bellevue) разрабатывает план по улучшению состояния наших водотоков (таких как реки и ручьи) для людей и диких животных, внести свой вклад! Узнайте подробности и поделитесь своим мнением на веб-сайте по вовлечению в жизнь города Белвью (Engaging Bellevue). 

Plan de Manejo de la Cuenca de Bellevue. A medida que nuestra ciudad crece, tenemos que actuar para proteger nuestras vías fluviales. La ciudad de Bellevue está desarrollando un plan para mejorar la salud de nuestros arroyos en beneficio de las personas y de la vida silvestre, ¡y necesitamos su opinión! Obtenga más información y comparta su opinión en Engaging Bellevue. 

Bellevue: Kế hoạch quản lý lưu vực song. Thành phố ngày càng phát triển, chúng ta cần hành động để bảo vệ các lưu vực sông. Thành phố Bellevue đang phát triển kế hoạch cải thiện sự trong lành của hệ thống sông suối cho con người và động vật hoang dã, và chúng tôi rất mong ý kiến đóng góp của Quý vị! Tìm hiểu thêm và chia sẻ ý kiến của Quý vị trên trang Engaging Bellevue


Did you know Bellevue has over 80 miles of streams? Bellevue’s streams, lakes, and wetlands bring life to our city. They offer a balance of important wildlife habitat and space for us to enjoy our natural surroundings. Our streams are a community resource and belong to us all. 

The City of Bellevue is developing a Watershed Management Plan to improve the health of our streams, lakes, and wetlands over the next 20 years. You are an important part! 

There are several ways to get involved and stay informed:

  • Sign up for email notifications to get the latest news on plan progress.
  • Share your questions, comments and ideas on Engaging Bellevue.

Why do we need a Watershed Management Plan

Preserving and protecting streams in Bellevue is essential for maintaining a healthy, resilient ecosystem and ensuring the wellbeing of both the environment and the community.

When cities grow, it’s not as easy for rain to soak into the ground. Rain runs off roads, parking lots, and buildings, picking up pollutants on the way. These pollutants then flow into our streams and can be harmful to fish and wildlife.

Banner showing Bellevue streams, a mallard duck flying off a stream surface, and a a heron eating a peamouth fish
This plan will help protect Bellevue's waterways and the fish and wildlife who call them home.

How do our actions impact our watersheds?

More pollution enters our streams from stormwater. Stormwater is rainwater that runs off hard surfaces like rooftops, paved streets, highways, and parking lots. When rain falls over these surfaces, it picks up pollutants like fertilizers, soap, oil, and dirt. This polluted stormwater flows into storm drains and can harm streams, lakes, and wetlands.

Natural surfaces filter water and help prevent stormwater from entering streams. Too much stormwater running into streams from hard surfaces, even if it’s not carrying pollution, can erode stream banks and harms fish and wildlife habitat.

What happens in Bellevue's streams can impact the water quality and habitat conditions of Lake Sammamish and Lake Washington, and ultimately, our Puget Sound. Now is the time to act, to protect and improve our streams so we can all enjoy healthy water for years to come.

Stormwater cycle of life starting with rain
Stormwater from across the city eventually drains into local bodies of water, like Coal Creek and Lake Washington.

What actions will the plan recommend?

The Watershed Management Plan will recommend actions the city, our partners, and you can use to improve watershed health. 

  • Projects,  such as building a stormwater facility that filters rainwater runoff from streets before it gets to streams. 
  • Programs,  like planting and retaining more trees citywide to provide stormwater flow control. 
  • Policies or regulations, like changes in city code to encourage developers to include building features that clean runoff before it enters streams. 
  • Enhanced maintenance, such as regular street cleaning to keep chemicals and trash from entering streams.

Project timeline

We began developing the Watershed Management Plan in late 2020 and plan to complete the plan in late 2024.

Community engagement

We are planning a two-step community engagement process:

  • Spring/summer 2021 – Build awareness of the plan and gather input on community values for Bellevue’s watersheds.
  • Summer 2024– Share draft plan elements and gather input to prioritize the City’s investments.

We will use several channels to share updates about the plan, including this project website, mailings, EngagingBellevue.com-watershed-management, community and business briefings, and more.

Related links/documents

Sign up for email or text updates on the project and opportunities to participate.