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Bellevue Utilities stormwater capital investment projects ensure that current and future generations have reliable storm drainage services. They also help protect the natural environment that we value in the Pacific Northwest. The 2023-2029 Adopted Utilities Capital Investment Program (CIP) is a plan and budget for critical utility system infrastructure improvements that will be implemented in the next seven years.  The following table shows the Storm and Surface Water Utility capital projects in the 2023-2029 Utilities Capital Investment Program (CIP), that was approved by the City Council in November 2022.

Coal Creek Parkway Culvert Project
Capital Investment ProjectDescriptionReasonImplementationCost
Storm System Infrastructure RehabilitationRepair defects found in existing storm water infrastructureRenewal and Replacement2023-2029$19,792,000
Stream Restoration for Mobility and InfrastructureStream improvements in the Spring District/Bel-Red area Environmental Preservation2023-2029$258,000
Storm and Surface Water Planning ProgramEvaluate and develop future CIP needs Environmental Preservation2023-2029$1,421,000
SCADA System UpgradeUpgrade storm water system telemetry infrastructureRenewal and Replacement2023-2029$865,000
Fish Passage Improvement ProgramRemove in-stream barriers to fish migrationEnvironmental Preservation2023-2029$2,724,000
Stream Channel Modification ProgramImprove fish habitat in streams culvertEnvironmental Preservation2023-2029$10,926,000
Flood Control ProgramConstruct improvements to reduce or eliminate flooding caused by the public drainage systemEnvironmental Preservation2023-2029$11,676,000
Storm Water Quality RetrofitsAdd water quality retrofits at three locations to improve water quality from road runoff that enters Kelsey CreekEnvironmental Preservation2023-2029$5,118,000
Factoria Blvd Conveyance ImprovementsReduce flooding frequency on Factoria BlvdEnvironmental Preservation2023-2029$7,296,000
Post-Construction Monitoring and Maintenance ProgramPermit-required monitoring of vegetation survival following improvement projectsEnvironmental Preservation2023-2029$1,456,000
Project and Portfolio Management SystemProject management system to support CIP delivery   Operational Efficiency2023-2029$166,000

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