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In June 2023, Bellevue Utilities completed the new Pikes Peak reservoir, replacing an aging, 1-million-gallon, steel facility in Bridle Trails State Park with a 1.25-million-gallon, concrete reservoir in the same location. The new reservoir is better able to withstand earthquakes and has the capacity to serve the Bridle Trails, Pikes Peak and Cherry Crest neighborhoods.

Construction began in June 2021 and was completed in June 2023, and included the following work: 

  • Removal of the old reservoir and pump station.
  • Vaults and pipes in Northeast 39th Street and to the reservoir site.
  • Site clearing and grading.
  • Construction of the new reservoir, including exterior stairway, site fencing and security features.
  • Landscape plantings and restoration of the park, including trails around the site.
  • Paving on the reservoir site and Northeast 39thStreet.
Map showing Pikes Peak Reservoir Replacement project location within the Bridle Trails State Park


Grand Opening

The completion of the Pikes Peak Reservoir project marks a big milestone for Bellevue Utilities, and with that, Utilities is hosted an opening ceremony on June 14, 2023. Due to limited access and parking, it was a small gathering for key dignitaries and stakeholders, but Bellevue Television recorded it:

Project background

Through a lease agreement with Washington State Parks, Bellevue Utilities has owned, operated and maintained the Pikes Peak Reservoir and Pump Station facilities in Bridle Trails State Park for over 50 years. Replacement of the reservoir and relocation of the pump station were priorities because these facilities provide water and fire protection to the residents of Bridle Trails, Pikes Peak and Cherry Crest.

Utilities evaluated the old reservoir and pump station and determined they were not up to current seismic and operating standards and are nearing the end of their useful lives. Utilities took a collaborative approach over the initial phase of this project to evaluate alternatives and select an option to improve the reservoir and pump station.

During the preliminary design phase, it was determined that the preferred alternative was to replace the existing Pikes Peak reservoir and relocate and incorporate the Pikes Peak pump station operation to facilities in Cherry Crest. The aging Cherry Crest Pump Station facility, located next to the Cherry Crest Mini Park along 127th Avenue NE, was reconstructed from September 2019 to June 2021. The new facility serves the Cherry Crest, Bridle Trails and Pikes Peak neighborhoods.

Once the new Cherry Crest Pump Station was put into operation, construction began on replacement of the Pikes Peak Reservoir. 

This project is part of Utilities' Rehabilitation and Replacement program, established to maintain the area’s water service infrastructure. The old Pikes Peak Reservoir was identified as one of the more seismically deficient reservoirs in the system and is a high-priority project.

Collaborative evaluation process

During the preliminary design phase, Utilities evaluated proposed improvements for the replacement of the reservoir and pump station at the existing site at Bridle Trails State Park. To gather input from residents, the project team formed a Community Advisory Group made up of stakeholders of community groups and interested individuals who lived near and/or used the park.

The group met seven times from December 2016 through September 2017 to discuss community priorities and project alternatives. Utilities also hosted an open house for the general public and briefed the Bridle Trails Community Club to share information about the project. From this process, a preferred option was mutually selected. Communication between Utilities and the advisory group continued throughout the design and construction phases.

New reservoir design

Pictured below is a computer-generated rendering of the new Pikes Peak Reservoir, which is constructed of concrete (the existing reservoir was steel). The new reservoir has been constructed within the same footprint as the existing reservoir. The new concrete reservoir will require less maintenance over the life of the facility vs. the existing steel reservoir (i.e. it is not painted and will never need to be re-painted periodically like a steel reservoir would need), meaning less disturbance to the surrounding community in the long term.

Pikes Peak Reservoir Rendering

This rendering highlights the appearance of the reservoir. Additional landscaping (including the restoration of plants, grass, and trees) is not shown.

Project documents

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