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Bellevue Utilities sewer capital projects ensure that current and future generations have reliable wastewater services. They also help protect the natural environment that we value in the Pacific Northwest. The 2023-2029 Utilities Capital Investment Program is a plan and budget for critical utility system infrastructure improvements that will be implemented in the next seven years. The following table shows the sewer capital projects in the 2023-2029 Utilities CIP.

Bellefield Pump Station Project
Capital Investment ProjectDescriptionReasonImplementationCost
Sewer Pump Station ImprovementsRehabilitate or replace sewer pump stations Renewal and Replacement2023-2029$23,297,000
Sewer System Pipeline Major RepairsRepair defects found in existing sewer pipesRenewal and Replacement2023-2029$26,844,000
Minor (Small) Capital Improvement ProjectsMiscellaneous projects or repairs to resolve problems or improve efficiencyRenewal and Replacement2023-2029$258,000
Sewer Lake Line Management PlanEvaluation and replacement of sewer lake lines in Lake WashingtonRenewal and Replacement2023-2029$4,304,000
Sewer System Pipeline ReplacementReplace or insert a liner into older defective pipes, where that is more cost effective than repairsRenewal and Replacement2023-2029$1,954,000
Sewer Planning ProgramEvaluate and develop future CIP needsRenewal and Replacement2023-2029$1,763,000
SCADA System UpgradeUpgrade the sewer system telemetry infrastructureRenewal and Replacement2023-2029$4,567,000
Operations and Maintenance YardDesign and construction of new operations and maintenance facilityOperational Efficiency 2023-2029$6,094,000
Sewer Extensions in Septic System AreasInstall sewer system in areas of city currently served by septic systemsRenewal and Replacement2023-2029$7,989,000
Post-Construction Monitoring and Maintenance ProgramPermit-required monitoring of vegetation survival following improvement projectsRenewal and Replacement 2023-2029$291,000
Project and Portfolio Management SystemProject management system to support CIP delivery   Operational Efficiency2023-2029$167,000

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