How do I get a job with the Bellevue Fire Department?
We're thrilled that you're interested in becoming a Bellevue Firefighter! Please understand that our hiring team is currently receiving a high number of calls and emails. While we'd love to chat with everyone individually, it's challenging to respond to all inquiries promptly. We've put together this informative page to address most of the common questions we receive. Before reaching out to our hiring team, please take a moment to browse through the steps below.
Submit Your Test Scores: Send your test scores to our department via the National Testing Network (NTN) website. We review scores in May. By the end of June, invitations to participate in the next steps will be send to the top 300-400 scoring candidates.
Rapid Interviews: In June or July, selected candidates will receive a link to complete a virtual rapid interview. Our team will review all interviews and select the top 50-55 applicants to move forward in the process. All candidates will receive notification of whether they passed or failed.
Complete the Application and Schedule a Panel Interview: The 50-55 selected candidates from the rapid interviews will be invited to submit an application for Bellevue Fire. After completing the application, you will be able to schedule an in-person panel interview. These typically occur in June or July.
Civil Service Eligibility List: Candidates who passed the panel interview will be placed on our civil service eligibility list. Depending on our hiring needs, some or all of the candidates from the list will undergo a background check.
Fire Chief's Interviews and Conditional Offers: Following the background checks, candidates will have an interview with the Fire Chief, who may provide a verbal conditional job offer.
Evaluations: To move from a conditional offer to an official offer letter, you'll need to pass a medical exam and psychological evaluation.
Completion of the Hiring Process: Once all the above steps are completed, our hiring process is finished. Recruit Academy begins in January, but there may be a few days in December where pre-academy attendance of recruits is required.
Helpful Tips
- No experience is necessary in order to apply as an entry level firefighter! You do not need prior fire service experience or any certifications of any kind.
- You can apply if you are currently out of state! You may have to appear in person for panel interviews. If hired, you will need to secure a WA state ID within six months.
- We cannot give you the score you received from National Testing Network. Please call them directly for any questions regarding the testing process.
- Our department site on the National Testing Network is routinely updated. Please check that page regularly.
Can I volunteer with the Bellevue Fire Department?
Although Bellevue Fire started out as a volunteer department, KCFD #14, today the city of Bellevue is staffed by full-time paid Firefighters.
Information on volunteer opportunities with other departments in Washington can be explored on the Washington State Firefighters Association website.
Are fireworks legal for sale or use in Bellevue?
The sale and discharge of all fireworks are banned within the City of Bellevue. The personal use of fireworks has accounted for numerous fires and injuries (especially to children) in the past. For fireworks disposal, please call the police department's non-emergency line 425-577-5656 and let them know of the fireworks to be disposed. The police department will respond to the location and pick up the fireworks. Please do NOT bring fireworks to City Hall.
Make plans to attend public fireworks displays and leave the discharge of fireworks to the professionals!
Where can I learn CPR?
Links to CPR instruction through the Bellevue Fire Department can be found on our EMS Division page.
Where is my neighborhood fire station?
Station information and addresses can be found HERE.
The station map shows primary response areas.
How do I get a fire station tour or visit?
Residents are welcome to tour any one of Bellevue's nine fire stations. We offer tours seven days a week during business hours. Request a station tour or Fire Department attendance at your event through MyBellevue.
Can I get my child's car seat installed or inspected at a Fire Station?
We do not install or inspect car seats, but you can visit nhtsa.gov and enter your zip code to find out who can check the safety of your car seat.
Will the Fire Department get my cat out of a tree?
In order to remain available for emergencies, the Bellevue Fire Department does not typically engage in animal rescue calls that would delay response to a fire or medical call.
Many local arborists as well as the non-profit Canopy Cat Rescue do climb trees to bring cats down safely.
How do I get rid of...
Do you accept used needles or expired medications?
The Bellevue Fire Department does not accept any type of medical waste. Information on the disposal of needles and returning expired medication can be found on the King County website.
How do I dispose of old fire extinguishers?
Residents in King County can dispose of empty fire extinguishers with their regular garbage. Non-empty fire extinguishers should be taken to a household hazardous waste location for disposal. Locations include Factoria and the roving Wastemobile. For more information visit King County Hazardous Waste Management Program
How do I dispose of hazardous waste/liquids?
Paints, solvents, computers, televisions, fuels and some other materials are considered hazardous waste, and should never be thrown away with normal refuse. The King County Local Hazardous Waste Management Program offers more information on what constitutes hazardous waste and appropriate disposal of such items
How do I dispose of LP Gas (Propane) tanks?
Empty liquid petroleum gas canisters less than two pounds (such as the small Coleman camp stove canisters) may be placed in the garbage.
Larger canisters, even when empty, need to be taken to a household hazardous waste facility.
Many propane suppliers also offer tank exchange.
Can I burn...
Is a barbecue grill allowed on the deck of my apartment or condominium?
The City of Bellevue does not restrict the storage and use of barbecue grills on decks, although your homeowners association or apartment rules may.
Can I burn outdoors? Is there a burn ban?
The burning of yard debris, construction materials or trash is not allowed at any time.
The Puget Sound Clean Air Agency regulates burning in the urban areas of King County. The Bellevue Fire Department works closely with PSCAA to help enforce regulations specifically concerning outdoor burning.
Recreational Fires
A small outdoor fire made for pleasure, warmth, cooking or for religious, ceremonial or similar purposes. Has a total fuel area of three feet or less in diameter and two feet or less in height.
Outside of a PSCAA regulated burn ban, a small "recreational fire" is allowed, without a permit, with the following restrictions:
1. Shall not be within 25 feet of a structure or any combustible material(s).
2. Conditions which would cause a fire to potentially spread within 25 feet of a structure shall be eliminated prior to igniting the fire.
Portable Outdoor Fire Place
A portable, outdoor solid-fuel burning fireplace that may be constructed of steel, concrete, clay or other noncombustible material. A portable outdoor fireplace may be open in design, or may be equipped with a small hearth opening and a short chimney or chimney opening in the top.
Outside of a PSCAA regulated burn ban, the use of a portable outdoor fireplace is allowed, without a permit, with the following restrictions:
1. Use of the portable outdoor fireplace is consistent with the manufacturer's instructions.
2. The portable outdoor fireplace must be constantly attended and supervised by a person knowledgeable in the use of extinguishing tools like shovels, garden hoses, or a fire extinguisher with a minimum 4-A rating on site and available for immediate use.
Open Burning
The burning of materials wherein products of combustion are emitted directly into the ambient air without passing through a stack or chimney from an enclosed chamber. Open burning does not include road flares, smudgepots or similar devices associated with safety or occupational uses. A chamber is considered enclosed when, during the time combustion occurs, only apertures, ducts, stacks, flues or chimneys necessary to provide combustion air and permit the escape of exhaust gas are open. Open burning is prohibited at all times within the city limits and other areas served by the Bellevue Fire Department.For more information on indoor and outdoor burning restrictions, call PSCAA at 206-343-8800.
Must I be in attendance at all times with fire extinguishing equipment?
Yes. Recreational fires shall be constantly attended and supervised by a person knowledgeable in the use of extinguishing tools like shovels, garden hoses, or a fire extinguisher with a minimum 4-A rating on site, and available for immediate use.
If I can’t burn, what can I do with my yard waste?
Waste haulers offer curbside yard waste pick up for less than $10 a month. You can take it to county transfer sites and hauler drop boxes. Contact King County Solid Waste Division for more information at (206) 296-4466.
If I receive a complaint from a neighbor will I have to extinguish my fire?
Yes, if:
- You are burning yard debris, construction materials or trash
- There is a burn ban – Contact PSCAA for recreational fire burn ban information at 1.800.595.4341
- Your fire exceeds 3’ in diameter or more than 2’ in height
- Your fire is within 25’ of any combustible materials unless contained within a portable outdoor fireplace
Fire Prevention
What is a "Preventable Response?"
When firefighters are called to a building because its automatic alarm system is triggered by something other than a fire, it is often a "preventable response." False alarms are increasingly frequent. To cover the added cost and time, the City of Bellevue charges fees for alarms considered preventable. The intent is to encourage maintenance and needed modification of alarm systems and discourage careless acts that result in alarm activation. This in turn should increase the availability of fire department resources for legitimate emergencies.
Fire Extinguishers: What type do I need? How and when do recharge them?
The Bellevue Fire Department highly recommends every home have at least one fire extinguisher. It should be of the “ABC” type and kept in a location where it can be readily accessible.
Information for commercial and multi-family occupancies can be found here.