The City of Bellevue, along with the state of Washington, adopted the 2021 International Fire Code effective March 15, 2024. Please be advised that the printable PDF version of the 2021 International Fire Code is currently unavailable. Updates will be made to this site once it becomes accessible. In the interim, specifics can be found on the International Code Council website. Thank you for understanding.
The Washington State Building Code Act (RCW 19.27) requires that every jurisdiction enforce the Fire and Building Codes as a minimum standard and allow amendments only when they are equivalent or more stringent. A notable exemption provides less stringent requirements for buildings housing the indigent provided that any code deficiencies do not create any threat to human life, health or safety; the building is owned or operated by a public agency or non-profit corporation and the time period is limited to five years. Working together with the Building Department we have created a Policy and Application to assist both operators and our staff in reviewing the potential use of existing buildings to be used as limited duration shelters.
Fire Code Interpretations
There are areas in our code and standards that have caused confusion for staff or customers. In some cases, particularly with respect to standards, the Bellevue Fire Department has had to establish a policy regarding the applicability of provisions. These interpretations are intended to provide clarity and, where appropriate, applicability.
Code Interpretations that apply to Bellevue
- Code Interpretation 2007-1-Smoke Control Wiring For Raceway
- Code Interpretation 2007-02 - Secondary Water Supply - Water Storage Tank
- Code Interpretation 2009-01 - Fire Alarm Manual Pull
- Code Interpretation 2011-01 - Fire Alarm Repair and Modification Requiring a Permit
- Code Interpretation 2011-03 - Luminous Egress Path Markings
- Code Interpretation 2013-1 – Condominium Clarification
- Code Interpretation 2013-2 – Positive Alarm Sequencing
- Code Interpretation 2014-1 – Carbon Dioxide Gas Enrichment Systems
- Code Interpretation 2015-1 - Plant Extraction Systems
- Code Interpretation 2015-3 - Sprinkler Extensions Fittings
- Code Interpretation 2019-1 - Portable and Pre-Fabricated Pods