Routine Maintenance Fire Inspections
Routine Maintenance Fire Inspections
The Fire Prevention Division, under direction of the city's fire marshal, conducts fire and life safety inspections of occupancies, which include apartment buildings, hotels, businesses and public buildings. Our goal is to inspect every occupancy on an annual basis, with emphasis on high-hazard occupancies.
Firefighters and inspectors enforce the Bellevue City Fire Code and the International Fire Code during these inspections, working to detect fire hazards and see that they are eliminated. This should result in fewer and less destructive fires. A secondary purpose is to promote safe practices by causing an awareness of fire and its potential for occurrence. Inspectors recommend procedures that improve fire safety.
Additionally, this program familiarizes firefighters with the physical arrangement of Bellevue's buildings and the hazards therein. This knowledge will enable firefighters to respond to emergency situations more efficiently and with greater personal safety.
When an occupancy fails to meet a provision of the fire code, the owner will be notified and given reasonable time to fix the problem. A re-inspection will confirm that fire and life safety standards are met. When all normal enforcement efforts are exhausted without compliance, violations shall be pursued through legal action.
Scope of the Annual Fire and Life Safety Inspection
a. All occupancies other than one‑ and two‑family dwellings and their appurtenant structures.
b. Except on request of the rightful occupant, the following will not be routinely inspected:
- Dwelling units within apartment buildings.
- Occupied guest rooms of hotels and motels.
- Individual storage units in apartment buildings or mini‑storage type occupancies.
c. Home occupation businesses will be evaluated by the Fire Prevention Division and an inspection file established when hazards are determined not to be typical of those found in the home. When such businesses are inspected, only the area associated with the business use shall be inspected – not the residential portion of the dwelling.
Inspection Frequency
The normal inspection frequency is every other year, except multi-family buildings that are not equipped with a fire alarm system or fire sprinkler system which will be inspected annually.
New Construction and Tenant Improvement Inspections
The Fire Prevention Division provides permitting, plan review and inspection services to ensure that buildings and systems are constructed in accordance with the International Fire Code. Permitted activities and inspections include additions, redesigns, relocations, alterations or removal of:
- Fire alarm systems
- Fire sprinkler systems
- Fixed fire suppression systems (including hood and duct systems and FM 200 type systems)
If you have more questions or needs regarding the plan review process please contact 425-452-4122, email us, or proceed to our Plan Review page .
Special Inspections
Special Inspections are intended to identify code violations or reveal unsafe situations which may present themselves during special events, peak occupancy times or in response to a citizen complaint. For information on how to request a Special Inspection, please email the Fire Prevention Division.
Inspection Requests
You may want to request a fire inspection if you:
- Want your property inspected for fire code violations.
- Are concerned about possible code violations at a commercial or multifamily property.
- Have concerns or questions about other Fire Code-related issues.
To request a fire inspection for any of these reasons, please visit MyBuildingPermit and select "Request an Inspection." Using this method allows you to request multiple inspections, leave notes and request a specific time for your inspection. If you enter a desired time, we will make every effort to accommodate your request. Alternatively, you may call our interactive voice response system at 425-452-6875. Follow the prompts accordingly.
After you have scheduled an inspection, your assigned fire prevention officer will call you before 9 a.m. on the day of your inspection to set a time to conduct your inspection. If you have not received a call by 9 on the day of your inspection or if you have any questions, you may email Fire Prevention or call 425-452-6872.
View tips for scheduling an inspection as well as inspection and construction guidelines, which also include detailed instructions on how to schedule inspections.
New Construction and Tenant Improvements
If you wish to request a fire inspection for new construction and/or tenant improvements, please visit MyBuildingPermit or call our interactive voice response system at 425-452-6875.
After you have scheduled an inspection, your assigned Fire Prevention Officer will call you before 9 a.m. on the day of your inspection to set a time to conduct your inspection. If you have not received a call by 9 or if you have any questions, you may email Fire Prevention or call 425-452-6872.
Overtime Inspections
Email Fire Prevention if you would like to request testing or inspections after-hours or on weekends.
Inspection Survey
If you have had an inspection recently, we would like to hear from you.
Why take the 3-minute survey?
Inspection Services Customer Survey
Supervisor phone #s