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Aerial Bellevue from the south

Bellevue’s Comprehensive Plan is a foundational policy document, guiding growth and development here for a 20-year span. The City Council adopted the current plan in 2015 (agenda memo). The maps, goals and policies of the plan provide the basis for Bellevue's regulations, programs and services. Comprehensive Plan Story Map

The city significantly updates the Comprehensive Plan about every 10 years, and we are in the process of drafting the 2024 update. Bellevue 2044, as it's called, will guide Bellevue's development through 2044. Substantial updates like this are called "periodic" updates, to distinguish them from minor annual amendments related to specific properties.

Planning Commission recommended the periodic update to the Comprehensive Plan to City Council on July 10, 2024. City Council will consider the update in September (exact dates have not been set yet). The materials reflecting the recommendation of the Planning Commission will be linked below once the requested changes have been made.

Comprehensive Plan, Volume 1

Future Land Use Map

Comprehensive Plan, Volume 2

The current Comprehensive Plan is organized into two volumes. Volume 1 has background information about Bellevue and the community vision for the future, along with goals for elements such as housing, transportation, human services and parks. Volume 2 contains goals and policies of the subarea (or neighborhood area) plans.

The City Council initiated work on the Comprehensive Plan update on Feb. 28, 2022. This update is planned for adoption by September of 2024. Participate in the update at Engaging Bellevue. Questions and comments can be sent to CompPlan2044@bellevuewa.gov. A summary of public comments received so far will be posted when compiled.



September 2024City Councillinks to come 
 Council will consider the periodic update to the Comprehensive Plan. Date has not been determined.  
July 10, 2024Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Recommended the staff recommended update to the Comprehensive Plan to the City Council with a couple modifications.  
June 20 & 26, 2024Public Hearingsee links below 

The following materials support the notice of the Public Hearing, published June 6, 2024.

Details of past engagement activities in the development of Bellevue 2044 are available at Engaging Bellevue

May 22, 2024Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Review response to feedback on the policy updates in the Comprehensive Plan from the Planning Commission and the Public. Expected to set date for Public Hearing.  
May 8, 2024Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed Future Land Use Map.  
May 6, 2024Community Information Meeting  
 A hybrid information meeting was held to answer questions about the Periodic Update to the Comprehensive Plan.


Draft Comprehensive Plan Update

Draft Future Land Use Map

Future Land Use Map - Zoning Crosswalk

May 5, 2024Draft Bellevue 2044 Comprehensive Plan Released  
April 10, 2024Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed the Capital Facilities element (tabled from 3/27) and the recommendation from the Transportation Commission for the Transportation element.  
April 3, 2024Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed updates to policies in the Housing element and the recommendation from the Human Services Commission for the Human Services element.  
March 27, 2024Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed the Utilities element and the Urban Design & the Arts element. Review the recommendation from the Arts Commission for the arts and culture focused policies in the Urban Design & the Arts element and the recommendation from the Environmental Services Commission for the city-managed utilities in the Utilities element. Tabled the review of the Capital Facilities element.  
March 14, 2024Transportation CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Recommended updates to the Transportation element to the Planning Commission  
March 13, 2024Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed policy updates in the Neighborhoods and Climate & Environment elements and the recommendation from the Parks & Community Services Board for the Parks, Recreation & Open Space element.  
March 7, 2024Environmental Services CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Recommended updates to the Utilities element to the Planning Commission (focus on city-managed utilities)  
March 6, 2024Arts CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed policy updates in the Urban Design & the Arts element (focus on arts & culture policies)  
February 28, 2024Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Review Future Land Use Map  
February 21, 2024Human Services CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed updates to the Human Services element and recommended those updates to the Planning Commission.  
February 14, 2024Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed updates to the Land Use element and was introduced to the Future Land Use classifications  
February 13, 2024Parks & Community Services BoardMeeting Materials 
 Recommended updates to the Parks and Recreation element to the Planning Commission  
February 1, 2024Environmental Services CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed updates to policies in the Utilities element (focus on city-managed utilities)  
February 1, 2024Final Environmental Impact StatementEnvironmental Review Web Page 
 The FEIS contains additional analysis due to recent state legislation and response to comments  
January 24, 2024Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed updates to policies in the Community Engagement and Economic Development elements  
January 20, 2024Bellevue 2044 Policy Open HouseEngaging Bellevue 
 Community viewed and responded to updates to the key policy moves  
January 11, 2024Transportation CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed updates to policies in the Transportation element  
January 10, 2024Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed Housing Economic Policy Analysis  
January 9, 2024 Parks and Community Services BoardMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed updates to policies in the Parks, Recreation and Open Space element  
November 29, 2023Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Discussed update to Introduction & Vision chapter  
October 25, 2023Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed updates to key policy areas in Housing and Human Services elements  
October 11, 2023Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 

Reviewed updates to key policy areas in Land Use and Neighborhood elements

Reviewed the Climate Vulnerability Assessment

October 11 to 24, 2024Bellevue 2044 Vision Open HouseVision Engagement Report 
 Community members could visit and respond to updates to the vision statements at the beginning of each element.  
October 11, 2023Climate Vulnerability AssessmentLink to Analysis 
 The Climate Vulnerability Assessment will become an appendix to the FEIS.  
September 27, 2023Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 

Reviewed updates to key policy areas in Economic Development, Engagement, Transportation, and Urban Design & the Arts elements

Reviewed Progress on BelRed Look Forward

September 13, 2023Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed updates to key policy areas in Capital Facilities, Environment, Parks, Recreation & Open Space, and Utilities elements  
July 24, 2023City CouncilMeeting Materials 
 Directed the study of a Preferred Alternative in FEIS  
July 17, 2023City CouncilMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed Planning Commission's recommended Preferred Alternative  
June 28, 2023Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Recommended a Preferred Alternative to be studied in the FEIS  
June 21, 2023Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Discussed a Preferred Alternative to be studied in the FEIS  
June 14, 2023Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Discussed analysis of alternatives in the DEIS and other analyses  
June 14, 2023Release of Racially Disparate Impact AnalysisLink to Analysis 
 Release of Economic AnalysisLink to Analysis 
May 10, 2023Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Discussed the alternatives in the DEIS  
April 27 - June 12, 2023DEIS Public Comment PeriodDEIS Document & Information 
May 18, 2023Virtual Public Meeting  
May 23, 2023Public Meeting  
June 1, 2023Public Meeting  
April 27, 2023Release of Draft EISEIS website 
 The release of the DEIS was followed by a 45-day comment period.  
April 26, 2023Planning CommissionMeeting Materials 
 Reviewed the Draft EIS  
April 24, 2023City CouncilMeeting materials 
 An update on the progress of the 2044 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update was provided.  
Mar. 23, 2023Housing Forum - Virtual Lunch & LearnEvent Materials 
Mar. 21, 2023Housing Forum - Discussion  
Mar. 18, 2023Housing Forum - Drop-in  
March, 2023Statistically Valid SurveyResults Dashboard 

The city worked with an outside research firm to design and conduct a statistically valid survey of current Bellevue residents to better understand:

  • How to prioritize certain planning goals.
  • What features people value in a neighborhood.
  • How open residents are to adding new housing types throughout Bellevue and in their neighborhood.
Feb. 23, 2023Planning CommissionPowerPoint & Commission Materials 
 Overview of EIS process.  
Dec. 12, 2022City CouncilPowerPoint & Council Materials 
 The City Council received a written briefing updating them on the progress of the project and highlighting the EIS process.  
Sep. 29-Oct. 31, 2022Environmental Review Scoping Public Comment PeriodScoping Notice and Materials 
 Draft growth alternatives and the scope of analysis proposed were released for public comment.  
Fall 2022Missing Middle Housing QuestionnaireQuestionnaire Report 
 A questionnaire was released to inform what types of mid-scale housing community members are interested in seeing in different parts of the city.  
Sep. 28, 2022Planning CommissionPowerPoint & Commission Materials 
 An update was provided to the Planning Commission on the engagement to date and the scope of expected updates to policies throughout the plan.  
Summer 2022Phase 2a: Community Deep DivesPhase 2a Report 
     July 14EnvironmentPresentation & Boards 
     Aug. 3ConnectionPresentation & Boards 
     Aug. 24AccessPresentation & Boards 
     Sep. 15HousingPresentation & Boards 
Spring 2022Phase 1 Community EngagementPhase 1 Report 
     SpringVisioning Questionnaire  
     March 22, 2022Community Vision Event: This online event gave an overview of the periodic update process and participants discussed areas where Bellevue is fulfilling its vision and where it can do better.Presentation & Notes 
March 9, 2022Planning CommissionPowerPoint & Commission Materials 
 The scope of the update was introduced to Planning Commission. No action was taken.  
February 28, 2022City CouncilPowerPoint and Council Materials 
 Council directed staff to begin work on the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update.  


Upcoming community engagement events and online engagement opportunities are hosted on EngagingBellevue.com

Bellevue 2044 Community Engagement Report

Below is a summary of past engagement phases and survey results with links to reports of those phases and the survey. All individual event materials can be found on EngagingBellevue.com.

Phase 4 – Revise and Refine

Missing Middle Housing Discussions

Phase 3 -- Discuss Growth Options

Strategy Team

Statistically Valid Survey

Phase 2 – Exploring Livability

Phase 1 – Affirming the Vision

With the passage of House Bill 1110, state law requires cities like Bellevue to change local comprehensive plans and development codes to allow up to four housing units per lot (six per lot within one-quarter mile walk of a major transit stop or when two units are affordable) in a variety of housing types. In addition to single-family, residential areas will need to allow at least six other types of housing from this list:  duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, fiveplexes, sixplexes, cottage housing, courtyard apartments, stacked flats or townhouses.

The legislature also passed HB 1337, which will require Bellevue to update its comprehensive plan and its development code regulating attached and detached accessory dwelling units. These are other forms of housing that can be used to meet the additional units per lot requirements of HB 1110.  

Bellevue already has many of the housing types listed in HB 1110, but in just a few areas. Bellevue will amend its comprehensive plan and development codes to meet the state requirements to allow these types of housing; however, individual property owners and the housing market will ultimately determine the number and type of housing that is built.

The first step in complying with the new state laws on housing is already underway as Bellevue updates the city's Comprehensive Plan to prepare for significant, anticipated growth in population and jobs over the next 20 years. The city will continue to analyze the legislation to better understand the requirements and ways to comply. This information will be used by the Planning Commission and City Council to update the Comprehensive Plan.  Once the Comprehensive Plan is updated, the city will revise the development code with more specific requirements. 

In contrast to periodic updates of the Comprehensive Plan, which are substantial and involve the entire community, amendments associated with specific properties can be requested once per year in Bellevue. Privately-initiated Comprehensive Plan amendments requested in 2023 or 2024 are unlikely to be adopted because of the periodic 2024 update underway.

Work is underway on the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update (as initiated by the City Council on Feb. 28, 2022), which includes potential changes to the Land Use Maps found within the Comprehensive Plan. This work will continue throughout 2023 and 2024, with an adoption date for the Periodic Update scheduled on or before June 30, 2024. The City is currently soliciting feedback through its Environmental Review process, including feedback from the public relating to amendment requests associated with specific properties which may include changes to plans, policies, or land use map for specific properties. Formal Community Initiated Requests for changes to the City's Comprehensive Plan land use map, plans or policies related to a particular property will be considered as part of the plan update, but changes to the land use designations that apply to individual properties will be considered in the context of the community's vision for the plan. Submit a comment during the public comment period (September 29 through October 31) through any of the means described on the Environmental Review page if you would like to express a particular comment or request regarding an individual property. 

It is unlikely that the criterium in LUC 20.30I.140.C (“The proposed amendment does not raise policy or land use issues that are more appropriately addressed by an ongoing work program approved by the City Council”) could be satisfied by an applicant requesting a change to a Land Use Map while the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update is still being processed by the City.  Please also note that a privately-initiated CPA application that does not pass threshold review in 2023 or 2024 may not be resubmitted for three years, due to LUC 20.30I.130.A.2.d.

More information about annual Comprehensive Plan amendments can be found on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment webpage.

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