City Council initiated the Wilburton Vision Implementation in April 2022 to set in motion policy and code amendments that will help transform the Wilburton Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) area on the west side of Wilburton, into a walkable, vibrant, sustainable, mixed-use community. In 2017, this approximately 300-acre area was the focus of a yearlong council-appointed citizen advisory committee study that established a land use, urban design and transportation vision, as well as a set of recommendations.
In July 2024, the council updated the Wilburton/N.E. Eighth Street Subarea Plan - through the Wilburton Vision Implementation Comprehensive Plan Amendment process - which advanced the vision, targeted goals and policies for the Wilburton TOD area. This update also provided a guiding framework for land use code amendments, affordable housing approaches, sustainability and multimodal transportation in the Wilburton TOD area.
On March 12, 2025, the Planning Commission approved a recommendation on proposed code amendments as part of the Wilburton Vision Implementation LUCA.
See the "Progress to Date" section below for information regarding public review drafts of the proposed Wilburton Vision Implementation Land Use Code Amendments (LUCA) and other project milestones.
The city will consider and adopt changes to the Land Use Code and Comprehensive Plan (including the Wilburton/N.E. Eighth Street Subarea Plan and Comprehensive Plan Map). These changes will facilitate redevelopment in the Wilburton Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) area, improve amenities, incentivize transit- and trail-oriented uses and establish a unique identity for the area.
Opportunities to Engage
In November 2024, a virtual public information session was held on the Wilburton Vision Implementation Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA). View the presentation recording and slideshow from that session.
Other details and avenues for participating are available at Engaging Bellevue.
Check here often to learn of opportunities to engage as staff works to incorporate the vision. To receive updates on upcoming events and overall progress of this initiative, sign up for our email notification list. See “Alerts” to subscribe.
Progress to Date
Public Review Draft of the Proposed Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA)
A revised draft (updated 2/6/25) of the Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA) for the Wilburton Vision Implementation is now available for review:
Wilburton LUCA Draft Option A (Mandatory Affordable Housing)
Wilburton LUCA Draft Option B (Voluntary Affordable Housing)
Wilburton LUCA Comment Tracker (Updated 1/13/25)
You may reach out to Josh Steiner, AICP, Senior Planner, with questions, comments, and other feedback on the draft LUCA at jsteiner@bellevuewa.gov or 425-452-4123.
Previous Drafts
- Wilburton Land Use Code Amendment Draft (Option A) (May 31, 2024)
- Wilburton Land Use Code Amendment Draft (Option B) (May 31, 2024)
- 20.25R.020 Access and connectivity (August 5, 2024)
- Wilburton Land Use Code Amendment Draft (October 10, 2024)
- Wilburton Land Use Code Amendment Draft (November 6, 2024)
- Wilburton Land Use Code Amendment Draft (December 4, 2024)
- Wilburton LUCA Draft Option A (Mandatory Affordable Housing) (January 3, 2025)
- Wilburton LUCA Draft Option B (Voluntary Affordable Housing) (January 3, 2025)
Additional Materials and Resources
- Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA) Comment Tracker (updated December 4, 2024)
- Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA) Overview Presentation (updated July 2024)
- Wilburton Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA) Economic Analysis (May 2024)
- Wilburton Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA) Pro Forma Model (updated August 2024)
- Wilburton TOD Access Concepts Design Guide Overview (July 2024)
Recommendation and Adoption of Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA)
On May 1, 2024, the Planning Commission approved a recommendation on proposed policies and updated land use map for the Wilburton/N.E. Eighth Street Subarea Plan as part of the Wilburton Vision Implementation CPA. These recommendations were transmitted to the City Council during their June 25 meeting. (See May 1 Public Hearing materials).
On July 23, 2024, the City Council adopted the Wilburton Vision Implementation Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) through Ordinance No. 6802.
Environmental Review
An Environmental Impact Statement was prepared for the Bellevue 2024-2044 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update and Wilburton Vision Implementation, as the proposal was determined to be likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts. The EIS identifies and analyzes growth alternatives, potential unavoidable or adverse impacts, and mitigation measures that could result from the Bellevue 2024–2044 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update and Wilburton Vision Implementation. The Draft EIS was released on April 27, 2023, and the Final EIS was released on February 1, 2024.
Wilburton Vision Implementation Phase 2 Engagement Report
The city heard from over 350 people who provided input on the vision elements and major policy moves that will shape future changes in the Wilburton transit-oriented development area (summary of engagement).
Wilburton Vision Implementation Phase 1 Engagement Report
The city concluded its re-engagement phase, processing feedback from boards and commissions, outreach activities and responses to a questionnaire and interactive map (summary of questionnaire results).
Citizen Advisory Committee Vision Report
A City Council-appointed citizen advisory committee guided the visioning process for the Wilburton commercial area. The committee studied the land use, transportation and urban design elements of the area and issued a report and recommendations to the council on July 2, 2018.
Project Status and Timeline
The Wilburton project is currently in the Land Use Code stage.
Project Phase | Approximate Date |
Scoping | Completed in 2017 |
Visioning | Completed in 2018 |
Planning | Completed in 2024 |
Land Use Code | 2024 |
Monitoring & Control | Ongoing after Adoption |
Background Documents
Wilburton Commercial Area Study
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- Fact Sheet
- Chapter 1 - Summary
- Chapter 2 - Alternatives
- Chapter 3 - Affected Environment, Impacts and Mitigation Measures
- Chapter 3.1 - Geology and Soils
- Chapter 3.2 - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases
- Chapter 3.3 - Water Resources
- Chapter 3.4 - Ecosystems
- Chapter 3.5 - Land Use
- Chapter 3.6 - Economic Activity
- Chapter 3.7 - Neighborhoods and Populations
- Chapter 3.8 - Aesthetics
- Chapter 3.9 - Transportation
- Chapter 3.10 - Noise
- Chapter 3.11 - Energy
- Chapter 3.12 - Environmental Health
- Chapter 3.13 - Public Services and Utilities
- Chapter 4 - References
- Appendices
Past and Upcoming Presentations
Date | Meeting, Event, or Action Taken | Links |
3/12/25 | Planning Commission Topic: LUCA Recommendation | Materials |
2/26/25 | Planning Commission Topic: LUCA Public Hearing | |
1/22/25 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Draft LUCA - Inclusive TOD | Materials |
12/11/24 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Draft LUCA - Building Design | Materials |
11/6/24 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Draft LUCA - Site Organization | Materials |
9/11/24 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Scope and Approach for LUCA | Materials |
7/23/24 | City Council Action Topic: 2024 Wilburton Vision Implementation CPA | Materials |
6/25/24 | City Council Special Meeting Topic: Progress on the Overall Wilburton Vision Implementation Initiative | Materials |
6/25/24 | City Council Special Meeting Topic: 2024 Comprehensive Plan Amendment: Wilburton Vision Implementation | Materials |
5/1/24 | Planning Commission Topic: CPA Public Hearing | |
4/3/24 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Draft CPA - Future Land Use | Materials |
3/27/24 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Draft CPA & LUCA - Transportation, Streets & Blocks | Materials |
3/18/24 | City Council Study Session (presented jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update) Topic: Briefing on progress of the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update and Wilburton Vision Implementation | Materials |
3/14/24 | Transportation Commission Study Session Topic: Recommendation on Draft CPA - Transportation | Materials |
2/28/24 | Planning Commission Study Session (presented jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update) Topic: Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map | Materials |
2/14/24 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Land Use Code Amendments (LUCA) Overview | Materials |
11/29/23 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Phase 2 Engagement and Discussion of Community Input | Materials |
11/9/23 | Transportation Commission Study Session Topic: Draft CPA - Transportation | Materials |
7/26/23 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Draft CPA - Future Land Use | Materials |
7/24/23 | City Council Study Session (presented jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update) Topic: Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update and Wilburton Vision Implementation - Continued Review of Preferred Alternative | Materials |
7/17/23 | City Council Study Session (presented jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update) Topic: Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update and Wilburton Vision Implementation - Review of Preferred Alternative | Materials |
7/13/23 | Transportation Commission Study Session Topic: Review of Internal Access Concepts and Recommendation on Draft CPA - Transportation | Materials |
7/12/23 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Draft CPA - Cultural and Community Connections | Materials |
6/28/23 | Planning Commission Study Session (presented jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update) Topic: Recommendation of Preferred Alternative for Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update and Wilburton Vision Implementation | Materials |
6/21/23 | Planning Commission Study Session (presented jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update) Topic: Discussion of Preferred Alternative for Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update and Wilburton Vision Implementation | Materials |
6/14/23 | Planning Commission Study Session (presented jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update) Topic: Racially Disparate Impact Analysis, Economic Analysis and Implications of Analysis for the Preferred Alternative | Materials |
6/13/23 | Parks & Community Services Board Topic: Draft CPA - Parks, Recreation & Open Space | Materials |
6/8/23 | Transportation Commission Study Session Topic: Draft CPA - Transportation | Materials |
5/24/23 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Draft CPA - Open Space and Natural Systems | Materials |
4/24/23 | City Council Study Session (presented jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update) Topic: Briefing on progress of the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update and Wilburton Vision Implementation | Materials |
3/22/23 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Preliminary Policy Guidance to inform Comprehensive Plan Policy Amendments (CPA) | Materials |
3/14/23 | Parks & Community Services Board Topic: Preliminary Policy Guidance to inform Comprehensive Plan Policy Amendments (CPA) | Materials |
3/9/23 | Transportation Commission Study Session Topic: Preliminary Policy Guidance to inform Comprehensive Plan Policy Amendments (CPA) | Materials |
2/22/23 | Planning Commission Study Session (presented jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update) Topic: Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process and briefing | Materials |
9/28/22 | Planning Commission Study Session (presented jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update) Topic: Discussion of growth alternatives to inform the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process | Materials |
7/25/22 | City Council Study Session (presented jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update) Topic: Range of growth concepts to analyze for the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update and the Wilburton Study Area | Materials |
7/14/22 | Transportation Commission Study Session Topic: Project Overview | Materials |
7/13/22 | Planning Commission Study Session (presented jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update) Topic: Range of growth concepts to analyze for the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update and Wilburton Vision Implementation | Materials |
7/12/22 | Parks & Community Services Board Topic: Project Overview | Materials |
6/8/22 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Project Overview | Materials |
5/11/22 | Planning Commission Study Session Topic: Project Overview | Materials |
4/25/22 | City Council Study Session Topic: Initiation of the Wilburton Vision Implementation - Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) and Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA) | Materials |
Related Projects
- Eastrail Framework Plan
- East Link and Wilburton Station (Sound Transit)
- Eastside Rail Corridor