Wastewater is all the water that leaves the inside of your home or business through sinks, toilets, washing machines, etc. and enters Bellevue's wastewater (sewage) collection system. Wastewater then flows through city-owned and maintained pipes into King County's regional sewage system, where it is treated to meet federal and state water quality standards.
In Case of Emergency
Call the Wastewater Operation and Maintenance Division immediately if sewage is coming up inside your home or business when you are not using any water, including laundry and dish washers. Wastewater staff will ask a few pertinent questions and dispatch a maintenance crew if needed. Maintenance crews are available 24 hours a day at 425-452-7840 or 911 after business hours.
Call a private service if you have slow drainage or suspect a blockage. The problem is likely in your side sewer line.
Sewer system illustration (click for full-size)
Bellevue's Wastewater Division is responsible for maintenance and repairs of the main sewer lines, including the service connections within the city's right of way and dedicated easements. Bellevue’s wastewater service area covers over 37 square miles, including Beaux Arts. Bellevue’s wastewater system serves over 37,000 customers and includes:
- 13,000+ maintenance holes
- 520 miles of mainline pipes
- 46 pump and flush stations
- 34 major connections to the King County wastewater system
- 19 miles of lake lines
Private sewer pipe location
If you want to know where your sewer pipes are located on your property, call 425-452-4187, and a utilities employee will provide what information is available. The City does not perform locates on private property.
Don’t flush trouble! Use the trash Not the toilet
Flushing anything but toilet paper can cause massive sewage clogs – causing overflows that might damage property and hurt the environment, including our lakes and streams. Don’t believe those ads promoting so-called “flushable” products that can supposedly be safely disposed of in your toilet.
Bellevue Utilities’ 36 pump stations are in constant operation – pumping our wastewater to the treatment plant. However, the stations require continual maintenance to free them of paper towels, tissues, wet wipes and other products that should have been put in the trash.
Pump stations throughout the city are located in public spaces, shopping centers and residential areas – and when not treated kindly pose a threat. So please do not flush paper towels, facial tissue, cotton swabs, personal and baby wipes, hair, dental floss, feminine hygiene products or cat litter.