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Approved in December 2020, the Vision Zero Strategic Plan lays out how the city will apply a "Safe System" approach to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2030.

Annual action plans will describe the specific short-term implementation efforts the city will undertake based on the strategies, such as infrastructure improvements, road safety studies, community engagement campaigns and other work.

Bellevue’s Vision Zero plans align with the statewide Target Zero plan, which shares the goal of zero traffic deaths and serious injuries by 2030.

Strategic plan

The purpose of the Vision Zero Strategic Plan is to coordinate existing efforts and new ideas, evaluate crash data, consider public concerns, and identify strategies that will reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries to zero by 2030. The plan provides a coordinated approach across city departments, ensuring that transportation engineers, first responders and other key staff work together.

Action plans

Annual action plans reflect Bellevue’s commitment to address systemic traffic safety challenges holistically, through interdepartmental “One City” collaboration. They are living documents, to be continually updated as new data becomes available and as new Safe System actions prove to be successful in making Bellevue streets safer. Current and past plans are:

Project documents

Outreach materials