The South Bellevue Station is being constructed as part of the South Bellevue alignment. The station will feature a new park and ride and will be the first stop into Bellevue from Seattle.
When will the South Bellevue Park-and-Ride (garage) open?
The South Bellevue Park and Ride (garage) opened Nov. 15, 2021. It provides 1,500 parking stalls.
The alternate commuter lots that were available while the park-and-ride was under construction have been closed.
Please remember that commuters are asked not to park in Bellevue neighborhoods.
The only other park and ride will be located at Bel-Red/130th Station.
Has access into the Enatai neighborhood at SE 30th St or 112th Ave SE changed?
Yes. In spring 2021, left turns from northbound Bellevue Way SE to SE 30th Street are now prohibited to improve safety. Left turns from SE 30th onto Bellevue Way SE are also prohibited. The only access change into the Enatai neighborhood is at SE 30th St. The combination of northbound vehicles rapidly decelerating through this intersection as they depart the freeway and southbound congestion for vehicles approaching the freeway creates a condition that is challenging for drivers to navigate when turning left. Eliminating the left turn movements at this intersection will improve overall safety.
Drivers have the option to U-turn just south of 112th Avenue SE to head southbound on Bellevue Way to turn right on SE 30th Street. Alternatively, drivers are encouraged to access the Enatai neighborhood by driving a short distance up to 112th Avenue SE (by the central entrance to the South Bellevue Station and Park-and-Ride) and turning left. Access to properties along Bellevue Way are “right in/right out” only.
Prior to the U-turn opening, an increase in traffic on 112th Avenue SE was observed as local drivers needed to find alternative ways into the neighborhood. The city is monitoring traffic following the opening of the U-turn to determine if traffic patterns have dramatically shifted.
Will there be public art or open space as part of this station?
Yes, there will be several works of public art both integrated into the station and located at the new park and ride:
- Acoustic Panels & Guideway Columns: Designed by Vicki Scuri draw inspiration from Mercer Slough. Scuri's artwork is layered and rotated to create a continuous band that gradually changes to reflect the slough's seasonal colors. In addition to the trackway mural, Scuri will adorn the station's supporting columns with large leaf-shaped murals, changing in color to mirror the artwork above.
- Garage Facade: Designed by Katy Stone this active garage facade gains inspiration from nearby Mercer Slough. Her sculpture for the roofline of the station's garage will be reminiscent of a stand of cattails blowing in the wind and her designs for the garage screening may suggest ripples in the water or wind blowing through stands of reeds.
When will construction be complete?
Construction of the station and alignment is expected to complete by in the 1st Quarter of 2022. Sound Transit will undergo a one-year testing period following the completion of the East Link segment. You will begin to see empty trains running along the tracks but they will not be ready for passengers until 2023.
The South Bellevue Park-and-Ride opened Nov. 15, 2021.
What will service from this station be like in 2023?
What preservation is occurring for the Winters House?
Why is the large magnolia tree by Winters House being relocated?
Light rail construction work is occurring close to the existing tree and its root system. To minimize potential damage to the tree, the Heritage Magnolia tree will be relocated approximately 50 feet west of it’s current location within the Winters House parcel in late January 2020. A new magnolia tree will be planted in its place. A specialty tree relocation contractor will perform the relocation with oversight by the City.
What construction is happening adjacent to Bellevue Way SE?
Expect construction activities adjacent to Bellevue Way Southeast, from I-90 to 112th Avenue SE, in three phases:
Phase 1
The first phase of construction involved the relocation of public and private utilities on Bellevue Way SE. From June through November 2017, full and partial weekend closures of Bellevue Way and the I-90 ramps were necessary to complete the work. (Phase 1 is complete.)
Phase 2
Once utility work was complete, construction of the guideway (e.g. columns) and trench began in earnest. Construction of the South Bellevue Park-and-Ride garage continues. (Phase 2 is underway spring 2018.)
In April 2018, a new traffic control plan was implemented on Bellevue Way SE to allow for this construction. (While this construction occurs, additional construction will be happening on 112th Ave. SE. See the FAQs about 112th Ave. SE.)
For more about on traffic control on Bellevue Way
Read citywide mailer (published May 2018)
Read Sound Transit construction alert (published April 18, 2018)
Phase 3
The third phase will be to restore Bellevue Way pavement, sidewalk, striping and landscaping. This work will wrap up in spring/summer 2021.
The best way to stay informed about light rail construction is to subscribe to Sound Transit’s East Link Construction Alerts.
What is King County's sewer upgrade project?
King County WTD needs to replace sewer pipes that serve areas in North Mercer Island, the southwest portion of Bellevue near Enatai Beach, and the Town of Beaux Arts Village . This pipeline carries wastewater from the North Mercer Island Pump Station to the Sweyolocken Pump Station in Bellevue.
Project webpage
What is the Bellevue Way Southeast Southbound HOV Lane project?
UPDATE spring 2021 - This project is on hold. Contact: Marina Arakelyan, project manager, 425-452-4632 or marakelyan@bellevuewa.gov.
The City is exploring alternatives to widen Bellevue Way Southeast by approximately 20 feet on the west side of the roadway in order to add a new southbound high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane to increase capacity for traffic leaving downtown and to improve transit reliability and speed. The City is developing the alternatives by taking into consideration comments heard from individual briefings and open houses with the public.
The project team has been refining design options based on community feedback and working with the Bellevue Transportation Commission and City Council to consider a preferred design option and provide direction on next steps.
In May 2018 the City Council directed staff to defer additional design work on the project until 2021-2022, with construction to follow as funding becomes available in the capital budget. Progress on the project's design reached the 30 percent level of completion and that work would still be applicable once the project resumes.
What measures are in place to reduce the impacts of light rail construction and operation in Bellevue?
As it relates to the East Link light rail project, mitigation is known as measures that are intended to lessen the impact of construction and operation of the trains.
Mitigation is a high priority for the city and Sound Transit and was addressed in the planning, design and construction of the light rail occurring in Bellevue.
View the Mitigation Map (Jan. 2018) that shows temporary mitigation during construction and permanent mitigation once the trains are operational.
What hours is construction noise allowed? Are expanded hours allowed?
Bellevue’s Noise Control Code (Noise Code) regulates and establishes permissible noise levels based on the type of land use (e.g. residential, business or commercial). The code also sets daytime noise levels in residential areas at a maximum of 55 dBA (decibel level) and nighttime (between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.) at a maximum of 45 decibels.
Construction noise is allowed between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday. Construction noise is prohibited beyond these hours, on Sunday, and on certain holidays, unless otherwise allowed by a city-approved permit. The Noise Code does contain exemption provisions.
For the East Link light rail project, the city has approved the following Expanded Exempt Work Hours Permits for the South Bellevue segment (Permit 15-124380 LY)
- East Channel Bridge to the south end of the South Bellevue light station. Work is anticipated to occur in 10 to 12-hour shifts (during 24-hour period) for a 39 months. Maximum noise level is 77 dBA
- North of the South Bellevue station to the “Wye” at 112th Avenue SE. Work is anticipated to occur from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays and from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekends for 34 months. Maximum noise level is 80 dBA.
- Note: A supplemental permit (17-114040 LY) was issued to allow for the installation of pre-cast tub girders for the light rail guideway to occur within the South Bellevue Station site. This permit covers the anticipated operations from January 2018 through January 2019.
View Sound Transit graphic of Expanded Work Hours Permit by construction zones.
How do I report a concern? Ask a question?
If you have a concern or question about light rail construction, please contact:
Sound Transit/East Link Outreach Office
- 206-398-5465
- eastlink@soundtransit.org
- 1-888-298-2395 (24-hour construction hotline)
City of Bellevue
- Marie Jensen, East Link Outreach, 425-452-2064 or mjensen@bellevuewa.gov
- Submit a service request with the MyBellevue app