The Bel-Red/130th light rail station is being built as part of the Bel-Red East Link Segment. This station is located between 130th and 132nd Avenues NE at NE Spring Boulevard. Station construction began in the first quarter of 2017 and be complete by late summer 2021.
Where are the designated crossings near the Bel-Red/130th station?
There are 4 designated crossings near the Bel-Red/130th light rail station:
- NE Spring Boulevard at 130th Avenue NE
- NE Spring Boulevard at 132nd Avenue NE
- NE Spring Boulevard/136th Place NE (by the spur)
- 136th Place NE at NE 20th Street/Northup Way
Watch this safety video to learn more
Will there be public art or open space as part of this station?
When will construction be complete?
Will there be a commuter parking lot at this station?
Yes, A new 300 stall park and ride is being constructed alongside the station for your convenience. Construction begins early August 2021 and is expected to be complete by June 2022. The city is managing the construction of the lot. The other park and ride is being constructed at South Bellevue Station.
What will service from this station be like in 2023?
What street improvements are underway around the station?
In 2015, the city adopted the first BelRed Streetscape Plan, which guides the development of new roads, streets, trails, sidewalks and projects in the area. In the time since, light rail construction has begun and the first major private developments, such as the Spring District, are well underway. The city will update the BelRed Streetscape Plan to better reflect best practices and the vision expressed in the original 2009 BelRed vision.
You can learn more about projects by using the links to the project websites below:
What will change around the Bel-Red/130th Station?
In 2009, in anticipation of East Link light rail, the City Council adopted a new subarea plan and land use code for the BelRed area. The plan anticipated the transformation of the former industrial area into a series of compact, mixed-use, transit-oriented neighborhoods organized around new East Link light rail stations. Development is largely proceeding according to plan with most of the initial development near the Spring District-120th Station. Significant mobility investments are occurring, including light rail, new and enhanced arterials, local grid streets, and pedestrian and bicycle improvements. Based on future Council direction, staff is ready to undertake a BelRed “Look Back” to determine opportunities to strategically modify code or policy language to better achieve the vision for BelRed.
To learn more and track the progress of this planning initiative please visit Community Development.
How will the East Link light rail investment support the City of Bellevue in planning for its growth?
What measures are in place to reduce the impacts of light rail construction and operation in Bellevue?
Mitigation is a high priority for the city and Sound Transit and was addressed in the planning, design and construction of the light rail occurring in Bellevue.
View Mitigation Map (Jan. 2018)
What hours is construction noise allowed?
Bellevue’s Noise Control Code (Noise Code) regulates and establishes permissible noise levels based on the type of land use (e.g. residential, business or commercial). The code also sets daytime noise levels in residential areas at a maximum of 55 dBA (decibel level) and nighttime (between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.) at a maximum of 45 decibels.
Construction noise is allowed between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday. Construction noise is prohibited beyond these hours, on Sunday, and on certain holidays, unless otherwise allowed by a city-approved permit. The Noise Code does contain exemption provisions.
In 2017, the City approved an expanded exempt work hours permit (Permit 16-145773 LY) for the BelRed segment for construction activities in the area from 124th Avenue NE to 130th Avenue NE.
How do I report a concern? Ask a question?
If you have a concern or question about light rail construction, please contact:
Sound Transit/East Link Outreach Office
- 206-398-5465
- eastlink@soundtransit.org
- 1-888-298-2395 (24-hour construction hotline)
City of Bellevue
- Marie Jensen, East Link Outreach, 425-452-2064 or mjensen@bellevuewa.gov
- Submit a service request with the MyBellevue app