The Bellevue Downtown light rail Station will be constructed as part of the Central Bellevue Segment of East Link along with the East Main, Wilburton and Spring District/120th Stations.
Where will the station be located?
This station will be located parallel to NE 6th St between 110th Ave NE and 112th Ave NE. It is just across the street from the existing Bellevue Transit Center. The station includes entrances on the east side of 110th Avenue Northeast and the west side of 112th Avenue Northeast, providing easy access to Bellevue City Hall.
What will the station look like?
The eastern end of this station is sunken as it emerges from the Bellevue Downtown Tunnel and the western end will be elevated. The uppermost portion of the station will be integrated into a plaza connecting to City hall and will include a glass canopy. See the schematic from Sound Transit below for visual reference.
When will construction be complete?
Construction of the station and alignment is expected to complete by the end of 2020. Sound Transit will undergo a one-year testing period following the completion of the East Link segment. You will begin to see empty trains running along the tracks but they will not be ready for passengers until 2023.
How can I best access City Hall during light rail construction?
Bellevue City Hall is an active construction zone through late 2021. View site map (July 2021)
- Visitor parking is accessible from northbound and southbound 110th Ave. NE. Exiting the lot is right turn only.
- Employee parking is accessible from 112th Avenue NE
- Pedestrian access is available from 110th Ave NE via two stairways; one to the first floor; the other to the second floor.
- Barrier free access is available via cement pathway from 110th Avenue NE.
- Elevators are available to access City Hall from the 1st or 2nd floors.
Will the Bellevue Transit Center be open during construction of the Bellevue Downtown station?
Yes. For information about the Bellevue Transit Center, go to King County Metro’s website.
Bellevue employers and property managers are encouraged to learn more about the “Choose Your Way Bellevue” program that encourages transit options other than driving alone. Visit www.ChooseYourWayBellevue.org, email info@cywb.org, or call 425-990-3097.
Will there be a commuter parking lot at this station?
No. A new commuter parking lot is not being constructed at this station. The two park and rides built as part of East Link will be located at South Bellevue Station and Bel-Red/130th Station.
How will I be able to access the Bellevue Downtown Station?
The City of Bellevue has been long anticipating this station and is working to improve multimodal connections in its vicinity. From this station you will find easy connections to nearly all bus lines via the Bellevue Transit Center, and in the future to the Grand Connection.
What will service from this station be like in 2023?
Will access to the Bellevue Downtown Station be at-grade?
The station entrance will be at street level on NE 6th Street. Station entrances will be located on 110th Avenue NE and 112th Avenue NE. Elevators and stairs at the entrances will take you to the train platform. There will be an escalator at the entrance on 110th Avenue NE. The station is close to the Bellevue Transit Center, Bellevue City Hall, the Meydenbauer Center and other downtown amenities. For more about station features, go to Sound Transit’s East Link Extension webpage .
How will the East Link light rail investment support the City of Bellevue in planning for its growth?
East Link will include six new light rail stations in the city, five of them are within Bellevue’s defined growth corridor, including East Main, Downtown Bellevue, Wilburton, Spring District/120th and Bel-Red/130th. The city’s planning for growth includes developing new mixed-use urban neighborhoods, with bold new visions, centered around transit and multimodal transportation options.
What measures are in place to reduce the impacts of light rail construction and operation in Bellevue?
As it relates to the East Link light rail project, mitigation is known as measures that are intended to lessen the impact of construction and operation of the trains.
Mitigation is a high priority for the city and Sound Transit and was addressed in the planning, design and construction of the light rail occurring in Bellevue.
View the Mitigation Map (Jan. 2018) that shows temporary mitigation during construction and permanent mitigation once the trains are operational.
What hours is construction noise allowed? Are expanded hours allowed?
Bellevue’s Noise Control Code (Noise Code) regulates and establishes permissible noise levels based on the type of land use (e.g. residential, business or commercial). The code also sets daytime noise levels in residential areas at a maximum of 55 dBA (decibel level) and nighttime (between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.) at a maximum of 45 decibels.
Construction noise is allowed between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday. Construction noise is prohibited beyond these hours, on Sunday, and on certain holidays, unless otherwise allowed by a city-approved permit. The Noise Code does contain exemption provisions.
The City approved an Expanded Work Hours Permit (Permit 14-136642 GD) to Sound Transit so that its contractor can conduct tunneling as a 24-hour operation for up to 52 months using a sequential excavation method (not a boring machine method).
In 2017, the City approved an expanded exempt work hours permit for the Central Bellevue segment (Permit 17-102696). The permit allowed for work beyond regulated hours per the city’s Noise Code so that the long-span aerial guideway over I-405 and the guideway across NE 8th Street could be installed.
How do I report a concern? Ask a question?
If you have a concern or question about light rail construction, please contact:
Sound Transit/East Link Outreach Office
- 206-398-5465
- eastlink@soundtransit.org
- 1-888-298-2395 (24-hour construction hotline)
City of Bellevue
- Jennie Campos, 425-452-2064 or jcampos@bellevuewa.gov
- Submit a service request with the MyBellevue app