Bellevue 2035 – The City Where You Want To Be

Bellevue welcomes the world. Our diversity is our strength.
We embrace the future while respecting our past.

The City Council Vision, with three-year priorities in strategic target areas, guides the City of Bellevue's policy and budget. In April 2024, the council unanimously adopted updated strategic target areas to support the vision.

The current vision features priorities for 2024 to 2026, which continue strategic efforts already underway, while including new work and considerations in response to the community’s evolving needs. 


Six Strategic Target Areas

blue award ribbon icon

High-Performance Government

Bellevue’s well-managed government is foundational to the success of the Council’s vision and city services.

bar chart and globe icon

Vibrant Economy

Bellevue is a city where innovation thrives.

map search icons and s-curve line

Safe and Efficient Transportation System

Transportation is sustainable, reliable and predictable. Mode choices are abundant, clean and safe.

Tree and apartment building icon

High-Quality Built and Natural Environment

Bellevue is a livable city with world-class places to live, work, play and learn.

badge with star icon

Community Safety and Health

All people feel safe, valued and welcome. Our systems and infrastructure are resilient and secure.

purple heart surrounded by cupped hands

Thriving People and Communities

Bellevue is a caring community where all residents enjoy a high quality of life.