Bellevue is committed to providing exceptional city services through data-informed and collaborative decision making, strategic investment of public resources, strong commitment to our employees and inclusive engagement.

Community members are informed about and understand how their local tax dollars are used and the services they receive. We make public investments wisely and equitably – providing valuable city services and ensuring superb infrastructure to support growing communities and businesses. City facilities are well-maintained and optimized to best serve the public.

Bellevue does business using data and innovative technology. The city is committed to continuous improvement, performance excellence and strategic use of resources. We ensure high performance by operating under core values that drive our behaviors and by attracting, retaining and developing a diverse workforce. We model an inclusive and responsive work culture by providing growth opportunities and investing in our employees.

We support public engagement, innovation and connectivity using effective and inclusive forms of outreach. We make decisions in a transparent manner, work to address mutual needs and support public engagement. Our residents know their local government listens to, cares about and responds to them. We value strong regional partnerships, advance common goals and advocate for Bellevue’s interests on issues including infrastructure, public services, growth and finance.


1.1 Align organizational resources and prioritize funding to meet the needs of a growing and diverse community. Strategically maintain and protect the city’s assets while enhancing financial sustainability.

1.2 Promote and enhance inclusive, accessible community engagement in city services, programs and projects. Deliver responsive and efficient customer service to residents and businesses that foster trust and collaboration between the city and all members of the community. 

1.3 Optimize data, technology and metrics to guide decisions, improve results and enhance service delivery in an equitable manner. 

1.4 Advocate for the city’s interests and foster supportive partnerships and dynamic leadership at the federal, state and regional levels. 

1.5 Provide high-quality organizational leadership, management and collaboration.

1.6 Maintain public trust through organizational transparency, fiscal stewardship, legal and ethical behavior, and regulatory compliance.