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The City of Bellevue requires that on-site storage areas for recyclable materials be provided for the following types of new development:

  • Multifamily housing exceeding four units
  • Commercial
  • Office
  • Manufacturing

The recycling storage area must be accessible to residents and/or workers of the proposed development, and there must be one collection area per 30 dwelling units in multifamily complexes. The recycling storage area should be next to or near the garbage collection areas, if possible, and must be at least:

  • 1.5 square feet per dwelling unit in multifamily development exceeding four units.
  • 2 square feet per 1,000 gross square feet in office developments.
  • 5 square feet per 1,000 gross square feet in retail developments.
  • 3 square feet per 1,000 gross square feet in wholesale, warehouse, and manufacturing development.