Side Sewer As-built Inspection Procedure
Outlined below is the general procedure for having a side sewer inspected and approved by the City of Bellevue Utilities Department. A more thorough discussion of side sewer standards and requirements can be found in chapter S6 of the Utilities Engineering Standards Handbook. Please note that it is the responsibility of the side sewer permit applicant to prepare a neat and accurate side sewer as-built drawing before the side sewer inspection.
If an as-built drawing has been prepared, the inspector will first review the drawing for compliance with the as-built drawing checklist. Sloppy, dirty, incomplete and/or inaccurate drawings will be rejected. The inspection may proceed; however, the permit cannot be signed off during this inspection. Another inspection will be required. Hourly inspection charges will apply to this and every subsequent inspection including any follow-up required to obtain the as-built drawing.
Side Sewer As-built Drawing Checklist
It is the property owner/contractor's responsibility to provide a complete and legible as-built drawing of the side sewer installation/repair. A sample side sewer as-built drawing is included for your reference.
- All lettering and drafting must be neat and legible.
- All lettering must be large enough to be easily read and read from left to right.
- Wet, dirty, damaged, incomplete or poor-quality drawings will be rejected.
- The drawing shall include the following:
- North arrow
- Adjacent street name(s) and/or number(s)
- Sewer Main with flow direction arrows
- Upstream SSMH with GIS asset number (from utility grid map)
- Downstream SSMH with GIS asset number (from utility grid map)
- Property, right of way and side sewer easement lines
- Full building/house foundation outline with house number (show the entire foundation outline. Omit overhangs and awnings)
Side Sewer Stub
- Stub stationing in feet from next downstream SSMH (i.e. STA. 1+56)
- Length/diameter/material type
- Depth at property/right of way/easement line
Side Sewer
- Stub to side sewer fitting/reducer - depth, size and material Inspection tee - depth, size and material
- Side sewer pipe slope if less than 2 percent
- Side sewer pipe - lengths, diameters, and material
- Side sewer bends and fittings - diameters, type and material clean-outs - depth, diameter, fitting types and material
- Side sewer pipe depth at building connection
- Provide tie dimensions to end of provided stub, building connection and clean-outs from fixed/permanent references such as building corners (no trees, stumps, fire hydrants, power poles, etc.)
Download As-built Packet