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Please call 911 to report an emergency. If you wish to report an incident that is not an emergency, call 425-577-5656 or file an online report.
Many police services are now available online. The list here includes probation, although it's a Parks & Community Services program.
- police public records
- clearance letters: request by mail at Bellevue Police Department, Box 90012, Bellevue, WA 98009 (include a photocopy of government ID, current and any previous Bellevue addresses, and as of 10/01/24, the $10 fee has been waived until further notice).
- concealed pistol license
- probation
- home and business alarm registration
- traffic services: concerning speeding vehicles, problem traffic areas or parking problems
- U-Visa and T-Visas: temporary visas allowing immigration protections for victims of qualifying crimes