Traffic Enforcement
If you want to request police action for problems related to speeding vehicles or traffic or parking issues in Bellevue, you can make a traffic service request. These requests go to a supervisor in the Traffic Section for review and further action. If requested, the origin of a traffic service request will be kept confidential.
View the flashing school signs schedule and school zone flashing beacon map for the Bellevue and Issaquah school districts.
Frequently asked questions about what to do after a collision and answers are at the bottom of this page.
Photo Enforcement
An Insurance Institute for Highway Safety report indicates that red light cameras saved 159 lives from 2004 to 2008 in 14 of the biggest U.S. cities. In an effort to reduce collisions and make city streets safer, Bellevue has implemented photo enforcement.
Motorists who exceed the posted speed in two school zones are captured on camera, as are red-light runners at two intersections on 148th Avenue Northeast. Verra Mobility administers Bellevue's photo enforcement program. Verra Mobility offers additional information about photo enforcement. You may contact Verra Mobility at 866-790-4111. A Bellevue police officer reviews all cases prior to issuing an infraction.
Camera Locations
Cameras and violation sensors monitor three school zones:
- Stevenson Elementary School and Odle Middle School, 14200 block of Northeast Eighth Street
- Lake Hills Elementary School, 14300 block of Southeast 8th Street
- Sunset Elementary School, 4200 West Lake Sammamish Parkway SE
Cameras and violation sensors monitor four red light locations:
- Main Street and 148th Avenue Northeast (southbound)
- Bel-Red Road and 148th Avenue Northeast, (northbound and southbound)
- NE 8th Street at 112th Avenue Northeast (eastbound and westbound)
- NE 8th Street at 116th Avenue Northeast (westbound)
Photo Enforcement Records
- Contract
- Amendment 1
- Amendment 2
- Photo Enforcement Statistics: 2020-2024
- Photo Enforcement Statistics: 2009-2019
- Infractions by camera location
- Crash data at photo-monitored intersections (2010-2024)
Parking Restrictions
Bellevue parking laws ensure streets stay safe for all road users, including bicyclists and pedestrians, protect neighborhoods and businesses from illegal parking, and make parking available to all visitors. Parking regulations in the city code are provided below. All citations are $54 unless otherwise noted.
It is illegal to park:
- Over 24 consecutive hours on the same Bellevue street without moving your vehicle to a different city block. Vehicles in violation can be impounded (BCC 11.23.020). Vehicles parked in authorized time zones (BCC 11.23.022) are excepted.
- Within five feet from a driveway (RCW 46.61.570)
- Less than 30 feet from a stop sign, or 20 feet from a crosswalk (RCW 46.61.570)
- Partially or fully parked on a sidewalk (RCW 46.61.570)
- Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant (RCW 46.61.570)
- In a fire lane – citation $100 (BCC 23.11.503)
- Over a white painted edge line or into the travel portion of a roadway or bike lane (BCC 11.23.025)
- Facing the opposite direction of the flow of traffic (RCW 46.61.575)
- More than 12 inches from the curb (RCW 46.61.575)
- With an expired registration and if parked for more than 45 days the vehicle can be towed at the owner’s expense (RCW 46.55.113)
- With a “For Sale” sign in the vehicle while on a public roadway (WAC 308-330-436)
- When “No Parking Anytime” signs are present or when “Time-Limit” restrictions are exceeded.
- Blocking access to a mailbox when it compromises the U. S. Postal Service’s ability to safely and efficiently deliver the mail. Avoid a citation by parking at least 10 feet from a mailbox 8 a.m.-6 p.m. on delivery days (BCC 11.23.028).
Collision Frequently Asked Questions
If you have payment questions or want to dispute your infraction, please contact the Bellevue District Court at 206-205-9200
If I am in a collision, do I have to fill out an accident report?
No, though you may want to if:
- A collision causes more than $700 damage to either vehicle or other property, or there has been an injury, you should report it to law enforcement. An officer will investigate and file a collision report.
- You are involved in a collision in which damage to either vehicle or other property is less than $1,000 and there has been no injury, law enforcement officers will generally not complete a collision report. You do not have to either. If you want, you can complete a report yourself, and the Bellevue Police Department can provide you with a form and assist you in completing it. State vehicle collision reports must be completed and filed with the State Patrol within four days of the collision.
- Your car was parked and unoccupied when a collision occurred, or you were a pedestrian or using a wheelchair in an accident, you do not have to file a report.
Should I always call the police to an collision scene?
- The Bellevue Police Department will respond if called to any collision scene. As noted in the answer to Question 1, an officer will usually investigate and file a collision report if the collision has caused more than $1,000 damage to either vehicle or other property, or there has been an injury. Police will include in the report whether the collision involved unoccupied parked cars, bicycles, wheelchairs or pedestrians.
- It is recommended that you call the police department when the other driver appears intoxicated, has a vehicle with license plates from another state or country or leaves the scene without giving you any information. In any case, if you feel you need assistance, please call us.
Does the Bellevue Police investigate collisions on private property?
Because of personnel limitations, Bellevue Police cannot investigate most collisions that occur on private property. However, police will come if a collision on private property results in death or serious injury, if one of the drivers appears to be intoxicated, or there was a hit-and-run and suspects can be identified. If you need help, please call us. We can still provide some form of assistance.
Should I move my car after a collision?
This will depend on the circumstances. Your safety and the safety of others is always the first consideration. It is recommended that you not move your car if anyone is injured or if it is unsafe to drive. If your accident is minor and your car is safe to drive, you should consider moving your car to a safe location.