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Pedbee Header Image
On Pedbee’s page, you can have fun and learn how to Bee Safe when walking, biking, riding the bus or in a car.

What do you want to do?

Sing along with Pedbee

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Play Traffic True or False Game!

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Play What's Wrong Game!

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Safety tips from Pedbee

Pedbee says: “Bee looking when walking” 

Pedbee Walking Image
  • Walk facing traffic
  • Stop at the edge of the road before crossing
  • Look left, right and left again
  • Look for cars that may be turning
  • Keep watching while you cross the street
  • Obey traffic lights and signals
  • Bee seen -- wear reflective material when it is dark 


Pedbee says: “Bee safe on your bike”

Pedbee Biking Image
  • Protect your head, wear a helmet
  • Ride on the right side of the road
  • Use hand signals when turning or stopping
  • Walk your bike in crosswalks
  • Wear bright clothes in the day
  • Wear reflective material at night
  • Use bike lights at night. 


Pedbee says: “Bee safe on the bus”

Pedbee Schoolbus Image
  • Be at the bus stop 5 minutes early
  • Always obey your bus driver
  • Cross the street in front of the bus
  • Wait to cross until the stop paddle is flashing
  • Look for cars before and during crossing


Pedbee says: “Bee in a carpool -- less traffic, less stress”   

Pedbee Carpool Image
  • Plan ahead to ride with other students to school
  • Pick up a friend on the way
  • Walk to a friend's house and ride together
  • Take turns on who drives
  • Bee safe in the car
  • Always wear a seat belt

PedBee Educational Materials

Pedbee, the city’s pedestrian safety mascot, was born in 1993, but never seems to get older. The Pedbee Education Program teaches children in grades K-5 about pedestrian and traffic safety. Pedbee visits schools, hands out fun, educational activity books and leads pedestrian safety activities, such as how to properly cross a street. On this page, Pedbee shares traffic safety tips for children of all ages. 
Each year more than 50,000 children are injured traffic-related incidents while walking. Most such injuries are the result of crossing a street in an unsafe manner. The Transportation Department and its Neighborhood Traffic Safety Services group are dedicated to creating a safer roadway environment for all users and engaging the community to become active participants in the traffic safety process.

Traffic Safety Resources