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The Background section of the Transit Master Plan presents the plan’s purpose, process and a summary of the community outreach and
Input was obtained from the community through a variety of means, providing direction for the Policy, Service, and Capital Elements:
- The Transit Improvement Survey generated input from over 4,200 respondents — nearly 1,100 of whom are Bellevue residents.
- Targeted outreach from non-native English speakers and other groups is in Phase 1 Outreach Report: Technical Appendix.
- Feedback was obtained from Metro coach operators through voluntary surveys in the Coach Operator Outreach Report.
- Three workshops were held with City board and commission members, transit agency representatives and other community stakeholders. See the TMP Forum Report, the Transit Network Design Workshop Report, and the Capital and Policy Workshop Report.
- Numerous public hearings were held with the Transportation Commission, City Council or other public bodies. They are documented in the Public Involvement page.
The section also summarizes recent changes and current and projected future conditions relating to transit in Bellevue:
- Documentation of all King County Metro and Sound Transit routes serving Bellevue as of Spring 2013 and their performance (see the Transit Network Profile: 2011-12 Update);
- Projected growth in population, employment, and transit ridership (see the Existing and Future Conditions Report);
- Anticipated changes resulting from the introduction of East Link light rail and various planned road and transit investments.