Header Image
Image of a person placing a bicycle on the bike rack of a King County Metro RapidRide bus

The Background section of the Transit Master Plan presents the plan’s purpose, process and a summary of the community outreach and

image of Bellevue Transit Center downtown photo by John Tisc
technical analysis.

Input was obtained from the community through a variety of means, providing direction for the Policy, Service, and Capital Elements:

The section also summarizes recent changes and current and projected future conditions relating to transit in Bellevue:

  • Documentation of all King County Metro and Sound Transit routes serving Bellevue as of Spring 2013 and their performance (see the Transit Network Profile: 2011-12 Update);
  • Projected growth in population, employment, and transit ridership (see the Existing and Future Conditions Report);
  • Anticipated changes resulting from the introduction of East Link light rail and various planned road and transit investments.