Header Image
Image of a person placing a bicycle on the bike rack of a King County Metro RapidRide bus

The 2003 Bellevue Transit Plan is presented here in chapters.

image of downtown bellevue 2006
Recommendations in the plan include a "circulator bus" that would shuttle people around the downtown area.

Service Element

Chapter 1 - Project Context and Approach
Chapter 2 - 1995-2001 Transit Plans
Chapter 3 - Existing Bellevue Transit System
Chapter 4 - Market Conditions
Chapter 5 - Service Recommendations

Capital Element

Chapter 6 - Purpose and Approach
Chapter 7 - Pedestrian Access Improvements to Transit
Chapter 8 - Bus Stop Amenities
Chapter 9 - Arterial Improvements
Chapter 10 - Pavement Overlay
Chapter 11 - Transit Centers Amenities
Chapter 12 - Transit Signal Priority
Chapter 13 - Commuter Parking Facilities
Chapter 14 - Corridor Projects Recommendations
Chapter 15 - Funding Alternatives

Policy Element

Chapter 16 - Policy Element
Chapter 17 - Review of Comprehensive Plan Transit Policies