To conduct business in Bellevue, businesses must register with the city to obtain a Bellevue business license if they meet any of the following criteria:
- Business has an office or place of business in the city per Bellevue City Code 04.09.030 (W)
- Any person or business whose annual value of products, gross proceeds of sales, or gross income of the business in the city is equal to or more than $2,000 from engaging in business activities within the city per Bellevue City Code 04.09.030 (L)(3)
If you don't meet one of these requirements, then you do not need to obtain a Bellevue business license unless your business requires a regulatory license or activities that require a specialized permit.
In addition, all applicable regulatory licenses and permits for a business must be obtained. Regulatory licenses that require additional addendums are to be submitted with Bellevue business license application by mail.
How do I apply for a Bellevue Business License?
Please note: A business must have a Washington State Business License for all locations before applying for a Bellevue business license.
Apply online:
- Go to FileLocal to apply for a Bellevue business license.
- Click on "Create Business Account"
- Set up New Business Account.
- Login to FileLocal with the newly created account.
- Click "Apply for a General Business License"
- Complete the application process by submitting payment.
Payment processing fee information: The registration fee for licenses obtained in 2025 is $115. Payments can be made by credit card (2.49% additional fee) or by ACH ($1 additional fee). There is a $4 customer service fee on all FileLocal payment transactions (minimum $5 processing fee).
Bellevue business licenses do not expire and do not need to be renewed annually. You are required to notify the Bellevue Tax Division by email at if there are any account changes, such as address changes, business or location closures, or if the business is no longer doing business in Bellevue.
If you are unable to register online, paper applications are available here.
Next Steps and Reporting Requirements
You will receive a letter in the mail that will provide tax reporting information such as your registration number and filing frequency. The city does not mail paper business licenses. To obtain a copy, login to your FileLocal account and print your license.
All businesses with active licenses are required to file tax returns on their assigned filing frequency. If no business was conducted in the City of Bellevue, you will still need to file a tax return and report zero "0" gross receipts for that period.
If you engaged in business activities in Bellevue prior to obtaining a city license, you are responsible to file past tax returns based on the business's first activity date in Bellevue rather than the registration date.
Additional Information
If registering a business physically located in Bellevue, you are responsible for contacting the city's Development Services Department (DSD) to make sure your business location is zoned for the activities taking place. This also includes home-based businesses with external indication of commercial activity. Please contact DSD Land use by email at or by phone at 425-452-4188.
Construction, tenant improvements, and certain land use activities require building and land-use permits from the Development Services Department.
If you have an active business license and you are having issues with please call 425-452-4898.
For publicly owned properties, approval may be granted for park sites by the Parks & Community Services Department at 425-452-4278, and/or streets, sidewalk, and other public rights of way by the Transportation Department at 425-452-4599.