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Regulatory licenses require additional addendums to be submitted with the Bellevue business license application by mail. Regulatory licenses require annual renewal. Click the license type to view addendums.
License Type | Cost | Description |
Ambulance Operator | $0 | Applies to businesses which provide ambulance services in Bellevue. |
Dance Hall Operator & Premise | $100/ $375 | Applies to the operator and premise where a public dance is held for persons under twenty-one years of age where no food or liquor is served. |
$400 | Applies to any establishment which serves food or liquor, and where music, singing, dancing, or similar entertainment is permitted. | |
$700 | Applies to any establishment open to the public where adult entertainment is provided. Managers and entertainers of adult entertainment establishments need an additional license - $100. | |
Pawnbroker/Dealer | $100 | Applies to pawnbroker activities and those dealing in precious metals, stones, or gems, jewelry, and bullion. |
Panoram Premises Manager and Premise Licenses | $100/$200 | Applies to establishments which charge for the display, viewing or exhibition of adult films or video. |
Special Event | $5 per day, per vendor | Applies to the promoter of a special event where 15 or more vendors are participating in the selling, bartering, exchanging, trading or displaying of goods or services at an event open to the public. The Special Events Committee page has forms if you need to apply for special event permit (needed for events with 500 or more attending with impacts to public rights of way or where assistance from police or fire assistance is needed. |
Some regulatory licenses require the completion of the following forms: |