The Bellevue Network On Aging is dedicated to healthy aging in the community by promoting awareness of needs and resources that support older adults through life’s transitions. The Network on Aging Agendas and Minutes page offers information about the group's meetings.


The Network on Aging supports the healthy aging in Bellevue through effective and systematic outreach, regional collaboration and community involvement with a unified voice.

  • Effectively serve older adults in Bellevue
  • Communicate older adult needs and provide a forum for that communication
  • Strengthen community outreach to inform and connect older adults with the necessary resources
  • Create a unified voice for older adults in Bellevue
  • Create an environment that makes Bellevue a livable community where older adults have the ability to age in place. Bellevue is a great place to grow up and grow old.
  • Gain respect and knowledge of older adults in Bellevue
  • Set the standard in the region for older adult services through an annual forum of regional senior services providers
  • Create a regional approach to serving older adults
Bellevue Network on Aging- 2018 Activity Report 

Bellevue Network on Aging- Bylaws 

Members whose terms end December 2023

Hannah Kimball - Vice Chair
Phyllis Smilen
Gazel Tan 

Members whose terms end December 2024

Kira Hackett
Julie Hart
Beverly Heyden
Anne Rittenhouse
Diana Thompson

Members whose terms end December 2025

Shana Aucsmith
Abigail Brown - Chair
Eleanor Lee
Shellie Gehring

Liaison Members 

Barbara Carey


Daniel Lassiter, Liaison 
Christy Stangland, Human Services Planner 

Dan Aznoff
Catherine Braillier
Paul Bradley
Bill Cahill
Arlene Cheng
Tomas Corsini
Christina Coulter
Ethan Crawford
Robert Dalgleish
Gary Dickerman
Dwayne Dilley
Judy Dowling
D'Anna Edison
Lauren Emery
Peg English
Linda Forshaw
Peggy Foster
Mary Fredeen
Shellie Gehring
Jullie Gray
Jeanne Grote
Janet Jelleff
Dr. Gina Johnson
Peg Jones
Sandy Shaw Jones
Howard Katz
Merle Kenney
Arnold Kern
Stephen Lam
Robert Lee
Desiree Leigh
Jim Messner
Susan Posten
Eileen Razneck
Heidi Ressler
Lynne Robinson
Berta Seltzer
Cindy Sharek
Eve Stern
Judy Stenberg
Chris Strand
Marjorie Todd
George Twiss
Mary Watkins
Blake Werner
Linda Whitehead
Terri Wilson
Catherine Wong
Janet Zielasko

Dan Lassiter ,
Community Services Supervisor

North Bellevue Community Center

Interested in joining the Bellevue Network on Aging?

Please fill out this application and mail back to Dan Lassiter. 

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