Saturday, June 1: Welcome to City Hall
10 a.m.-Noon; Doors open at 9:30 a.m.
450 110th Ave NE
City Hall Parking Map
Welcome to City Hall! You're invited to explore Bellevue's center of government, learn about the City's drones, Clean Water, Easy Recycling, Fire Engine, Emergency Medical Services, Crime Prevention, volunteer opportunities, enjoy the Bellevue Sound of Swing Big Band, meet Youth Theater actors in costume and much more! Register for June 1
Additional Information
Email neighborhoodoutreach@bellevuewa.gov for more information or if you would like to receive a program brochure and registration form.
2018 Conference Presentation Archive
2016 Conference Presentation Archive
Keynote Speaker Becky Henchman, Thawing the Seattle Freeze Video.
A to Z of Creating Events that Build Community
Breaking Down Language Barriers
Bellevue Parks – Hidden Gems and Treasures
Communications Builds Community
Conversations with the Captains
Creating a Cross Cultural Volunteer Team