Bellevue studied the feasibility of improving and/or expanding off-leash dog facilities at Robinswood Park, 2432 148th Ave. SE.

Robinswood Park's Off-Leash Corral
Responding to community requests for more off-leash areas in Bellevue, in 2009 the Parks & Community Services Board endorsed an off-leash area study recommendation that suggested four off-leash facilities be geographically distributed in Bellevue, with locations in downtown, central Bellevue, east Bellevue and south of I-90. The study further recommended facilities at Robinswood Park be improved to better serve the east Bellevue community's off-leash needs.


The City Council, when reviewing the master plan alternatives for a new park at Eastgate (Eastgate Area Properties Park Master Plan), concurred with neighbors and the Park Board by indicating support for design alternative A (featuring two sports fields), with coordination of off-leash area expansion and improvements at Robinswood Park. As a result, the city is exploring the feasibility of enhancements to Robinswood's off-leash area before it adopts the master plan for the new park at Eastgate, possibly to be called "Bellevue Airfield Park."


A draft study of possible off-leash enhancements and expansion at Robinswood Park was completed in June 2011.

On December 7, 2010 approximately 23 citizens attended the second Robinswood Park Off-Leash Area Study community outreach meeting. Staff shared community feedback regarding the off-leash enhancement and expansion alternatives based on previous meeting input, emails and an online web survey. A recommended plan was shared, reflecting citizen preferences expressed throughout the outreach process. The plan includes expansion of the off-leash area of approximately 5.75 acres with expanded buffers, double-gated entries, a reservable area, surface improvements and wooded trails.

The meeting concluded with a question-and-answer session and an opportunity for cizitens to share their preferences. The draft study, below, outlines the community outreach process, feedback and recommendations for off-leash enhancements and expansion at Robinswood Park.