On November 19, 2009, the Meydenbauer Bay Park and Land Use Plan Steering Committee met for the last time, and finalized its recommendation for the new waterfront park and nearby upland areas. The Steering Committee Recommendation is included in the Draft Master Plan.

The City Council established the committee in March 2007 to ensure the interests of the community are addressed in plans for a new park and nearby upland areas. The council also approved a Steering Committee charge, outlining the committee’s general responsibilities and duties, and establishing and describing its oversight and advisory roles. The fundamental values and goals of the Meydenbauer Bay project are reflected in a set of council-approved planning principles.

Steering Committee Charge
Planning Principles
Meeting Agendas and Meeting Notes

The Steering Committee met from April 2007 through November 2009 and produced a final recommendation for the new waterfront park and nearby upland areas. This recommendation is embodied in the draft master plan. While this milestone does not complete the planning process, it marks the completion of the Steering Committee's work.

Following council adoption of the plan, the Planning Commission will develop any Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Code amendments necessary to implement the Meydenbauer Bay plan. All meetings are open to the public.

Meydenbauer Bay Steering Committee Members:

  • Iris Tocher, Co-Chair
  • Doug Leigh, Co-Chair
  • Stefanie Beighle
  • Hal Ferris
  • Betina Finley
  • Merle Keeney
  • Marcelle Lynde
  • Bob MacMillan
  • David Schooler
  • Tom Tanaka
  • Stu Vander Hoek
  • Rich Wagner
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