Department Mission

We build a healthy community through an integrated system of exceptional parks, natural areas, recreation, arts and culture, and a broad base of community services. 

Department Goals

  • Goal 1: Plan, acquire, design, and develop a coordinated park system which satisfies the community’s open space and recreation needs.
  • Goal 2: Provide clean, safe, attractive, and functional parks, open space, and recreation facilities.
  • Goal 3: Work with the City’s diverse population and community organizations to assist people in need of critical emergency services.
  • Goal 4: Through partnerships and collaborations, provide Bellevue citizens with opportunities for recreation, socialization, skill development and education in order to enhance physical and mental health.
  • Goal 5: Through partnerships and collaborations, provide Bellevue residents with opportunities for recreation, socialization, skill development, support and education in order to enhance physical and mental health.

Metric 1: Percent of households living within a one-third mile walking distance of a park or trail access point.

This metric measures resident access to parks in Bellevue. A one-third mile distance represents a 10-minute walk.

How was this calculated?

This is calculated annually using City Geographic Information System (GIS) data on park locations and housing units.

Why is this important?

2022 data shows 74% of households living within 1/3 mile walking distance of park or trail access point. This is one of the key service indicators in the Parks & Open Space System Plan.  Bellevue aims to provide and encourage safe, walkable access as an option for the community to access parks and trails. This measure remains relatively stable over time and performance exceeds the target of 72% which is based on historical trends for this metric. 

What are the next steps? 

Building on the Parks & Open Space System Plan, the City aims to fill gaps in the network.  This calculation is reassessed regularly to use the best available information and practices to provide an accurate representation of access. 

Contact Name: Doug Sanner

Contact Email:

Metric 2: Percent of recreation program participants rating programs good or excellent.

This metric represents a survey measure of recreation participant satisfaction with a recently completed program or activity.

How was this calculated?

Recreation program participants are invited to complete a voluntary survey of their recent experience.

Why is this important?

2022 data indicates that 94.7% of survey participants rated programs good or excellent, which exceeded targeted performance of 90%. Bellevue programs have consistently exceeded target for this measure, which speaks to the quality of programs offered by Bellevue Parks & Community Services.

What are the next steps? 

The City will continue to regularly survey recreation program participants to help ensure we are meeting customer expectations. Survey data and participant comments are directly shared with community center staff to improve program offerings.

Contact Name: Doug Sanner

Contact Email:

Metric 3: Overall satisfied to very satisfied with parks and recreation in Bellevue.

This represents a survey measure of overall satisfaction with parks and recreation in Bellevue.

Note: Surveys are typically conducted at the beginning of the calendar year. Thus, a survey conducted at the beginning of 2020 produces data for 2019. The data seen below reflects this timing.

How was this calculated?

This measure comes from a statistically valid annual survey of Bellevue residents.

Why is this important?

Data indicates that 94% of survey participants were overall satisfied to very satisfied with parks and recreation in Bellevue. Though results have been consistently above 90% each year, it is important to note that, with statistically valid surveys, small changes in data over time may not be meaningful if statistical significance is not present.

What are the next steps? 

Continue to measure resident satisfaction with parks and recreation in Bellevue. Survey data provides critical feedback on overall performance and Bellevue's ability to meet resident expectations, plays an important role in determining where future parks are developed and how program offerings are adjusted to meet the changing needs of the community.

Contact Name: Doug Sanner

Contact Email: