The Bellevue City Manager’s Office mission is to connect the organization with the City Council and Bellevue’s diverse community. They lead the delivery of exceptional public service, with a commitment to equity, inclusion and core values. The CMO provides organizational leadership and ensures delivery of efficient and effective city services.

Department Mission

The CMO connects the organization with the City Council and Bellevue’s diverse community. We lead the delivery of exceptional public service, with a commitment to equity, inclusion and core values.

Department Goals

  • City Management: Implement policies and direction from City Council; provide strategic leadership and ensure high-quality service delivery; develop implementation plans and strategies; and ensure efficient and cost-effective management of the city.
  • Intergovernmental Relations: Analyze and resolve cross-jurisdictional issues and support the city’s leadership role in regional issues.
  • Communication: Facilitate effective internal and external communications and maintain and enhance the city’s reputation.
  • Diversity Advantage: Continue to implement the Diversity Advantage Plan; develop and continue to offer culturally competent programming that reaches underserved populations; reduce barriers to access to information through enhanced outreach and engagement.
  • Citywide Policy and Programs: Drive progress on City Council and organizational priorities; lead and contribute to teams that analyze policies and systems; and collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to accomplish special projects.
  • Metric 1
  • Metric 2
  • Metric 3
  • Metric 4

Metric 1: Percent of respondents who rate Bellevue was a good/excellent place to live.

This metric is derived from the biennial Performance Measures Survey, specifically the percentage of respondents who rated Bellevue as a “good” or ”excellent” place to live.

Note: Surveys are typically conducted at the beginning of the calendar year. Thus, a survey conducted at the beginning of 2023 produces data for 2022. The data seen below reflects this timing.

How was this calculated?

The value for this metric is based on the combination of good/excellent responses from the Performance Measures Survey.


Note: The Performance Survey switched to a biennial cadence in 2021. At the time of publication, 2022 data (produced by the 2023 survey) is not yet available.

Why is this important?

In order to live Bellevue’s 2035 Vision as “The City Where You Want to Be,” it is important that community members, via the Performance Measures Survey, rate the city as a “good” or “excellent” place to live. For many years, ratings for this question have remained at 95% or higher. 

What are the next steps? 

In order to maintain the high rankings received through the Performance Survey, it is important for community members to continue to perceive the city as  a safe, clean, accessible, and attractive, with access to good schools, outdoor recreation, and green space.

Contact Name: Micah Phillips

Contact Email:

Metric 2: Percent of respondents that are getting/definitely getting their money’s worth for their tax dollars.

This metric is measured by the percentage of community members who responded to yearly community surveys that they felt they were “getting” or ”definitely getting” their money’s worth for their tax dollars.

Note: Surveys are typically conducted at the beginning of the calendar year. Thus, a survey conducted at the beginning of 2023 produces data for 2022. The data seen below reflects this timing.

How was this calculated?

The values for this metric are based on the combination of community survey responses that indicate that the respondent is “getting” or “definitely getting” their money's worth for their tax dollars.


Note: The Performance Survey switched to a biennial cadence in 2021. At the time of publication, 2022 data (produced by the 2023 survey) is not yet available.

Why is this important?

It is important that community members feel their government is responsive and fiscally responsible and that they perceive value for their tax dollars. Results have remained stable in recent years, with around 75% of respondents rating the value of services as “good” or “excellent”.

What are the next steps? 

We will continue to improve communication about the increased complexity of city services, Bellevue’s creative and innovative improvements, and our core values of financial stewardship. 

Contact Name: Micah Phillips

Contact Email:

Metric 3: Percent of businesses that feel that the quality of services provided to businesses by the city exceeds or greatly exceeds their expectations.

This metric indicates the percentage of Business Survey respondents that believe the quality of services provided to businesses by the city “exceeds” or “greatly exceeds” their expectations.

How was this calculated?

The values for this metric are based on the combination of Business Survey responses that indicate that the business owner believes that city services “exceeds” and “greatly exceeds” their expectations.


Note: At the time of publication, 2023 data is not yet available.

Why is this important?

In order to retain and attract businesses to the city, it is important that they feel the quality of services provided exceeds their expectations. There is a significant relationship between the perceived value of services and the direction the city is headed. This value has remained stable In recent years, with around 70% of businesses agreeing that city services “exceed” or “greatly exceed” their expectations.

What are the next steps? 

With continued growth, it is important that the city continues to engage with the expanding variety and types of businesses in Bellevue as well as businesses that have been established for some time. 

Contact Name: Jesse Canedo

Contact Email: 

Metric 4: Percent of respondents who agree/strongly agree Bellevue fosters and supports a diverse community in which all generations have opportunities to live, work and play.

This metric reflects the percentage of respondents to the community survey that “agree” or “strongly agree” that the City of Bellevue fosters and supports a diverse community.

Note: Surveys are typically conducted at the beginning of the calendar year. Thus, a survey conducted at the beginning of 2023 produces data for 2022. The data seen below reflects this timing. 

How was this calculated?

The values for this metric are based on the combination of Performance Survey responses that indicate that the respondent “somewhat” or “strongly” agrees with the statement about Bellevue fostering and supporting a diverse community.


Note: The Performance Survey switched to a biennial cadence in 2021. At the time of publication, 2022 data (produced by the 2023 survey) is not yet available.

Why is this important?

Bellevue’s 2035 Vision is: “The City Where You Want to Be. Bellevue welcomes the world. Our diversity is our strength.” To live the Vision, it is important that community members agree that Bellevue fosters and supports a diverse community. Results from the most recent Performance Survey show that 81% of respondents agree or strongly agree that Bellevue supports a diverse community where all generations have opportunities to live, work and play. This result has remained steady for many years.

What are the next steps? 

The city will continue to reach out to and increase communications across diverse populations.

Contact Name: Micah Phillips

Contact Email: