Through the Housing Accord Program, the Bellevue Conflict Resolution Center offers expanded services to help landlords and tenants resolve conflicts, build skills and strengthen their communities. We continue to provide alternatives for landlords and tenants facing eviction. All our services are free, confidential, impartial and voluntary.
To get help, please complete an intake form.
Our Shared Goal: Help ensure safe and stable housing in Bellevue and Kirkland by empowering people living and working in rental housing to resolve conflicts and strengthen their communities.
Our Services: We support people living and working in multifamily and rental housing communities by facilitating voluntary conflict resolution of disputes about:
- Rent
- Maintenance
- Lease Violations
- Tenant Relationships
Strengthening conflict resolution skills by offering workshops in:
- Communication
- Difficult Conversations
- Listening
- De-escalation
Providing referrals to resources including:
- Rental Assistance and Social Services
- Legal Aid
- City Services
Strengthening cross-cultural connection and collaboration by:
- Creating opportunities for common ground
- Facilitating collaboration around shared needs
Result: People living and working in multi-family and rental housing communities are better able to access resources, find alternative solutions to court, enjoy secure housing, and resolve conflicts that affect their ability to live peacefully together.
Eviction Resolution Pilot Program
The Eviction Resolution Pilot Program operated statewide Nov. 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, bringing tenants owing rent and their landlords together to resolve conflicts with the impartial assistance of trained negotiators. The Bellevue Conflict Resolution Center provided rent negotiation and other resources for over 2,800 households and over 9,000 people in Bellevue and Kirkland and their landlords. Together, we have helped ensure that tenants remained in their homes and landlords were paid during the pandemic emergency.
For more information please refer to the BCRC’s Comprehensive ERPP Report.
Resources for Landlords
If you are a landlord seeking legal advice or representation, these organizations have member attorneys who may be able to assist you:
- Multifamily Housing Association (Supplier Directory)
- Rental Housing Association of Washington (Vendor Directory)
- Washington Landlord Association
- Washington Law Help Finder
For landlords who qualify, the Moderate Means Program offered through the Washington State Bar Association may be able to help you access legal advice and/or representation.
Please note: The Moderate Means Program is currently closed to develop and implement improvements to the program. If you are looking for legal services, please consider using the Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) list of resources.
Resources for Tenants
Legal Assistance
If you are a tenant seeking legal advice or representation for a housing issue, these organizations provide free legal help:
- Eastside Legal Assistance Program – Pursuing Fair & Equal Justice (elap.org): ELAP offers individualized legal help, free legal clinics, educational webinars, and access to legal resources, including free 30-minute phone advice appointments for Housing questions.
- Northwest Justice Project: Provides free legal assistance to address fundamental human needs, including housing. https://www.nwjustice.org/
- Eviction Defense Screening Hotline: Provides 30 minutes of free legal assistance and other referrals and resources. Call: (855) 657-8387
- Washington LawHelp: Great resource to learn more about the eviction process, rent assistance, and Tenant rights.
- King County Bar Association Housing Justice Project: Provides free legal representation to eligible Tenants in judicial eviction (unlawful detainer) court proceedings after a Tenant receives an Eviction Summons and Complaint. Email: hjpstaff@kcba.org; Phone: (206) 267-7069
If you have been served with an Eviction Summons and Complaint, please email the Housing Justice Project (hjpstaff@kcba.org) right away to request free legal representation and let them know the date your response to the Summons and Complaint is due (best to put this date in the Subject line of the email.) You might also contact the Eviction Defense Screening Line at (855) 657-8387 and / or apply for help on-line at https://nwjustice.org/apply-online. If you are unable to obtain a private attorney or do not qualify for the free legal services above, the Moderate Means Program offered through the Washington State Bar Association may be able to help you access legal advice and/or representation.
Rent Assistance
The City of Bellevue maintains a current list of all the human service agencies in the area that may have rental assistance funds available. Rental and Mortgage Assistance | City of Bellevue. For a longer list of agencies serving Bellevue please see: Rent Assistance Agencies List
COVID Resource Navigator Program: The City of Bellevue also offers resident assistance, to help you figure out which programs will best fit your needs. You may also call (425) 452-2800, or email Mini City Hall at minich@bellevuewa.gov for more information.
Kirkland Residential Rent, Mortgage and Utility Assistance: For residents of Kirkland. Kirkland Rental Risk Assistance Fund