City News
Bellevue releases 2023 greenhouse gas emission inventory
The City of Bellevue Monday released its 2023 greenhouse gas emissions inventory (executive summary), both citywide and municipal operations results.
Bellevue launches Economic Development Plan update
Following a presentation at last week’s City Council meeting, the Bellevue City Council officially launched a yearlong process to update the city’s Economic Development Plan, a guiding document aimed…
Bellevue continues progress on affordable housing
City launching update to its Affordable Housing StrategyContinuing its commitment to housing affordability, Bellevue recently kicked off its year-long process of updating the city’s Affordable…
Bellevue gives away 700 trees, increases citywide tree equity
During its recent annual tree giveaway, the City of Bellevue partnered with 300 Trees and Amazon to distribute more than 700 free trees to community members and organizations throughout the city.…
Council launches ‘Sustainable Bellevue’ Environmental Stewardship Plan update
To further its commitment to sustainability, the City of Bellevue has kicked off the year-long process of updating its five-year “Sustainable Bellevue” environmental stewardship plan. Guiding the…
Startup 425 launches accelerator program for first-time entrepreneurs
Startup 425 – a collaborative effort to expand entrepreneurship throughout Eastside communities – has launched an accelerator program designed to support burgeoning entrepreneurs in both venture-…
Council approves 20-year Comprehensive Plan update
Following a short presentation from staff at Tuesday’s City Council meeting, the council voted unanimously to approve Bellevue’s 2024-2044 Comprehensive Plan periodic update. Last substantially…
Community shares vision for arts and culture in Bellevue
More than 60 arts enthusiasts provided input on Bellevue’s arts and culture ecosystem during an Oct. 9 arts and culture listening session. During the event, participants received an overview of…
Cultural Conversations discussion on building bridges and leaving legacy Oct. 17
The next Cultural Conversations session will be a roundtable discussion about building bridges and leaving a legacy. Fadumo Roble, who works at the city’s Mini City Hall, will facilitate the…