City News
Bomb Cyclone storm lashes Bellevue
Last updated Dec. 10A bomb cyclone lashed Bellevue Nov. 19, bringing down trees throughout the city and leaving hundreds of thousands without power across the region. Status updates regarding the…

Bellevue Police and Fire to host National Night Out at Crossroads Park
Bellevue’s Police and Fire departments are teaming up Tuesday, Aug. 6, 4-7 p.m., to host a family-oriented event at Crossroads Park for National Night Out, the annual community-building campaign…

Annual gift card drive supports local families
The city is sponsoring its annual children’s gift card drive through Monday, Dec. 4 for Bellevue families in need of support.
New police-fire team to help people in crisis
Emergency response offers enforcement and counseling as needed
After a successful trial run in 2021, the city on Friday, Sept. 1 will begin deploying a Community Crisis Assistance Team to provide…
Area smoke levels unhealthy for all
An air quality alert is in effect across Puget Sound at least through noon Monday, with so much wildfire smoke in the air, starting Sunday, that it is unhealthy for anyone to be outside. All…

Construction of new fire station to begin
Fire Station 10 needed for ‘vertical neighborhoods’ downtown
Construction of Bellevue’s first new fire station in 29 years will begin later this month or in early April. The community is invited to…

Bellevue to buy first electric fire engine
The City Council Monday authorized the Fire Department to use a state Department of Ecology grant to purchase the city’s first electric fire engine. The new Pierce Volterra, one of the first…

Inclement weather closures
Bellevue City Hall and other non-emergency city facilities will be closed today (Friday, Dec. 23) due to hazardous weather conditions. The city offers online delivery for most city services, which…

Holiday gift card drive supports local families
The city is sponsoring a children’s holiday gift card drive through Dec. 2 for Bellevue families in need of support.

Open house at fire stations Saturday
In support of National Fire Prevention Week, Bellevue firefighters are excited to open the doors to their fire stations for the first open house in a couple of years, Saturday, Oct. 15, 10 a.m.-4 p.m…