Published August 20 2023

An air quality alert is in effect across Puget Sound at least through noon Monday, with so much wildfire smoke in the air, starting Sunday, that it is unhealthy for anyone to be outside. All people should limit their time outside, avoid intense physical activities and keep indoor air clean.
To keep indoor air clean, close windows and doors. Use fans or air conditioners when it’s hot, and set your air conditioner or heating/cooling system to recirculate. If you don’t have an air conditioner and it’s too hot to stay home, go to a place with air conditioning like a mall or library. Don’t smoke, use candles or vacuum. Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter.
If you have heart or lung diseases and your symptoms get worse around smoke, contact your doctor. Call 911 if you or someone else has trouble breathing. The Fire Department encourages residents to check on and monitor older neighbors or those with breathing issues. Remind them to stay indoors or in a place with air conditioning.
The Clean Air Agency offers additional tips for staying healthy with smoke.
Prevent local fires
The hot and dry conditions that have helped cause wildfires in the region can cause one in Bellevue too. If you see flames with smoke, please call 911 immediately.
King County issued a burn ban for all cities in the county, starting Tuesday, Aug. 15. Recreational fires, such as those in backyard fire pits and outdoor fireplaces are banned in Bellevue until further notice. Outdoor cooking in approved containers such as barbecue grills is still allowed.
To help prevent local brush or wildland fires from spreading, you can create 30 feet of defensible space around your home. To do this:
- Keep grass mowed
- Rake up leaves and brush on your property
- Make sure tree branches are at least 6 to 10 feet from the ground
- Clear out gutters regularly
- Plant fire-resistant plants, such as deciduous trees and bushes that shed their leaves annually, around your property
You can prevent wildfires other ways too.
- Properly dispose of cigarettes and smoking materials in metal containers. Do not discard them out the car window, in beauty bark or planters.
- Avoid driving or parking vehicles, including golf carts or ATVS, on dry grass.
- Secure all trailer components, including tow chains, to make sure they don’t drag during travel.