City News
Groundbreaking episode of Lake to Lake
This month, Lake to Lake brings you information about the recent groundbreaking for the Bellevue Downtown Park "Complete the Circle" and Inspiration Playground projects. Other topics covered include…
Council Roundup: Feedback on potential ballot measures
Also, Celebrating Boeing's centennial
On Tuesday during the Bellevue City Council's study session, staff provided an initial summary of public feedback received during the recent outreach about…
Extra! Extra! Summer It's Your City online
The dog catcher likes dogs. That's the first thing you should know about an animal control officer featured in the summer issue of It's Your City, which just came out over the weekend. The newsletter…
Council Roundup: Council still studying marijuana regulations
Also, Mount Rainier view corridor vote and Bellevue Rotary check for Inspiration Playground
On Monday evening at a regular session the City Council held a public hearing regarding interim zoning…
City, Rotary launch Downtown Park improvements
City representatives joined the Bellevue Rotary at Downtown Park on Tuesday to kick off construction of the highly-anticipated last segment of the circular promenade and a new play area for children…
Ballot measures proposed for neighborhood safety
The city is considering possible ballot measures to fund safety improvements to the neighborhood transportation system and Bellevue's fire facilities. To help determine if these are the…
Council Roundup: Sound Transit studies TOD in BelRed
Also, water rates reviewed and moment of silence for Orlando shooting victims
Sound Transit told the City Council Monday that there is potential for a transit-oriented development in BelRed next to a…
See inspiring beauty on BTV
This month's Lake to Lake television show explores the Ebony Fashion Fair exhibit at the Bellevue Arts Museum, the annual State of the City address, Bellevue Neighborhoods Conference and a young boyâ…
Council Roundup: Transportation and Fire projects update
In a follow-up to recent discussions about long-range financial planning, the City Council on Monday took a deeper look into how to address the gap between critical capital investments and available…
Council Roundup: Outreach for potential ballot measures
Also, King County Metro Connects comment letter approved
Some of the key actions the City Council took on Monday at its extended study session included approving outreach for potential ballot…