Published September 21 2016
Also, 'Complete Streets' ordinance adopted
On Monday the City Council voted 4-1 in favor of a resolution supporting Sound Transit Proposition No. 1, frequently referred to as Sound Transit 3. The council voted after hearing presentations and public comments from each side of the issue. Councilmember Kevin Wallace, who stepped down from the dais to present as a citizen, abstained from voting and participating in the council's deliberation.
Additional information on the council's position can be found in the text of Resolution No. 9150.
'Complete Streets' ordinance adopted
Also on Monday, the council approved a "Complete Streets" ordinance, which establishes a framework to plan, design, implement and operate street corridors in Bellevue that provide safe mobility options for everyone.
The ordinance reinforces current city policy, and its adoption makes the city eligible for a $500,000 award under a Complete Streets Award program administered by the state Transportation Improvement Board. The program encourages cities to adopt ordinances and build projects that provide safe access to all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, motorists and transit users.
Passage of the ordinance followed a unanimous endorsement by the city's Transportation Commission. More than 900 cities nationwide, including 65 in Washington, have adopted a complete streets policy. The agenda item offers more information and a copy of the ordinance.