Published August 11 2016
To get your input regarding the vision for a "Grand Connection" across downtown, the City of Bellevue has launched an online open house.
The Grand Connection will be a pedestrian-oriented corridor stretching from the waterfront at Meydenbauer Bay Park to the Eastside Rail Corridor in Wilburton. It will connect communities and places such as Old Bellevue, Downtown Park, the grand shopping street of Bellevue Way, the Pedestrian Corridor and the Transit Center.
The city began the visioning process in the spring. Top Bellevue architects, planners and artists sketched ideas at a design charrette at the Bellevue Arts Museum in April.
The online open house provides an opportunity to provide feedback and insights, and to ask questions about the visions, concepts and ideas generated so far. The interactive website focuses on establishing an overall identity for the route, defining opportunities for cohesive strategies and identifying specific locations on the route that could be improved.
We invite you to preview the work in progress and to use our online comment form to submit your questions and thoughts. More details about the visionary Grand Connection project are available at