Lithia Real Estate, Inc., the owner of Michael's Toyota and Subaru dealerships, owns a parcel of land that includes several retail businesses in Eastgate. Lithia applied for a permit to expand their existing automobile retail use on that parcel. The proposal includes demolition of existing buildings, including retail businesses and a car wash. They are also seeking approval for a new two-story addition to the existing dealership with roof top parking. 

The project is located within a parcel just under 12 acres in size. It is located north of the I-90 and 148th Avenue SE interchange in Eastgate. The existing Subaru dealership is located to the east of the parcel and the site is bordered by SE Eastgate Way to the south. 

What is the city's process for this project?

City staff are reviewing the project as an expansion to the existing automobile use, which was approved in 2004. The project is being reviewed as an Administrative Amendment because it is an expansion of an existing use that is adding more than 20% additional space. Expansion of this existing use is allowed under the land use code (LUC 20.30B.175). 

The city will be using the Administrative Design Review Process to review the design for the remodeled building because the site is zoned Community Business (CB) District, which is a design district under the land use code (LUC 20.25I.030). 

The Director of Development Services will make a decision based upon the decision criteria set forth in the code for the application and public notice of the decisions will be provided. 

Opportunities to Engage

There is a code-required minimum 14-day public comment period after the city receives a complete application for any Process II application. However, Development Services will leave the comment period open until a decision is reached on the land use permits. Members of the public who have submitted a comment are established as a party of record (POR) as part of the project review and will be notified of future actions on these permits. Parties of record will also receive notice of the decision once available. Additional comments should be directed to the permit's project manager listed on this page. 

The permit review is expected to take several months to complete and interested parties may reach out to the permit project manager for updates. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the city helping the small businesses that are currently located in the Sunset Village Shopping Center and will no longer have space as a result of this proposal?

The city's Cultural and Economic Development team offers a range of services in these types of situations, including access to free 1-on-1 advising, connections to Community Development Finance Institutions for capital access and site relocation assistance. 

City staff have initiated outreach to seven impacted businesses currently operating in Sunset Village in order to connect the businesses to these outlined resources and offer relocation support if they want them. City staff are committed to assist businesses with relocation and other support. 

Is this a rezone?

No, this is not a rezone. The zoning district classification for this property is CB and is not changing with this application. 

Why is this project being processes as an Administrative Amendment and not a Conditional Use Permit?

Expanded uses are generally allowed under the city's land use code because there are instances where expansions are appropriate after original approvals are issued. Different process pathways can be utilized; in this case this applicant is wishing to expand their use by more than 20% of their original floor area approved for automobile sales. The way to accommodate this expansion is outlined in the code as an Administrative Amendment to the original approval because it is an expansion of an existing use on the site, instead of a new one. 

How does the city make decisions about proposals like this?

The city considers criteria in the land use code for both Administrative Amendment (LUC 20.30B.175.D.2) and Design Review (LUC 20.30F.175). 

Because the proposal is an Administrative Amendment, review of alignment with the Comprehensive Plan is not required - that analysis was done with the original 2004 Conditional Use Permit that established the 'Auto (retail)' use. Comprehensive Plan policies will be reviewed for the design, not the use. 

Looking ahead, and separate from this application, the 2044 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update has included discussion of the importance of neighborhood retail and how best to support new and existing neighborhood-serving uses as the city develops. This will be highlighted during future council study sessions for the Comprehensive Plan adoption later this year and subsequent code updates. 

Related Documents

Fact Sheet

Project Timeline and Status

The permit review is expected to take several months to complete. This page will be updated with additional information when it becomes available. 

Generally, review of Administrative Amendments and Design Reviews can take up to one year to complete. Expected timelines are also dependent on time taken by applicants to respond to city comments. While staff continues to review this project, all comments will be reviewed as part of the city's permit review and all substantive comments will be addressed in the city's decision. Staff in all disciplines will review the project to ensure compliance with the city's adopted development regulations and policies up to the time of the Development Services Director's decision. 

Nov. 29, 2023Application submitted 
Dec. 21, 2023Project application completeSubmitted documents
Jan. 4, 2024Project Proposal Notice PublishedWeekly Permit Bulletin
Jan. 24, 2024Virtual Public Information Meeting 
March 27, 2024Consolidated Comment Letter sentRound 1 - Revision Request File