Resources for Greening Your Business
Bellevue offers several programs for businesses to reduce their environmental footprint, including services to help you improve recycling at your workplace and by helping employees find commute-trip options.
EnviroStars Green Business Program
Bellevue participates in the regional green business recognition program, EnviroStars, which is a free, one-stop hub for Washington businesses to get information, assistance, free resources and recognition for actions that protect the environment and employee health and safety. Businesses in Bellevue, Seattle, and beyond now have just one place to go to learn how to green their business and get recognized for their efforts – whether saving energy and water, or reducing waste and pollution.
Just enter your business address at EnviroStars.org to easily find incentives, rebates and resources to reduce waste, energy and pollution and to start the process of becoming a recognized EnviroStars business.
Bellevue can help your business get recognized. Call our EnviroStars Hotline at 1-877-220-7827.
The hotline offers free multilingual assistance for Spanish / Español, Vietnamese / 㗂越, Mandarin / 官话, Russian / ру́сский язы́к, Tagalog, Korean / 한국어, Amharic / አማርኛ, and Somali / ˜اَف صَومالي.
The EnviroStars program has been expanded to assist and recognize all aspects of green business, including recycling and waste reduction, stormwater, energy use, water conservation, transportation and hazardous waste. It is led by a coalition of utilities, cities and counties and advised by a diverse volunteer business committee.
City of Bellevue Programs
Recycling and Compost: To improve recycling at your workplace, check out Bellevue's Refresh Recycling program for a free site visit and consultation. For more information on Bellevue's services for businesses, contact recycle@bellevuewa.gov or 425-452-6932 or go to: Bellevue Utilities Recycling.
Commute Trip Reduction: Bellevue's Commute Trip Reduction program supports businesses large and small in helping to promote commuting options. Check out Choose Your Way Bellevue to learn more.
Partner Programs
Puget Sound Energy, the electricity and natural gas utility in Bellevue offers several energy efficiency and renewable energy programs for businesses. Check out PSE's website to learn more about how you might qualify for a free LED lighting upgrade and other incentives to reduce energy use.