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Image of artist David Rue performing on a staircase for Bellwether in the Bellevue Botanical Gardens. Image by Jordan Rennick and Brandon Freeman, Front Runner Films.

We provide support to artists and organizations through various grant programs, including Eastside Arts Partnerships, Project Grants and the new Art and Cultural Capital Facilities grant program. 


NEW Art and Cultural Capital Facility Grants 

Open for applications July 10-August 19, 2024 - Download the guidelines here.

Art and Cultural Capital Project and Facility Maintenance grants aim to fund capital projects by arts and cultural organizations in Bellevue, WA. Capital Projects include acquiring property, building new facilities, acquiring specialized equipment and other major building renovations. Facility Maintenance includes preventative maintenance and repairs to help preserve existing arts and cultural facilities. 

Si desea obtener estas pautas traducidas en su idioma, comuníquese con la coordinadora del programa, Manette Stamm, enviando un correo electrónico a mstamm@bellevuewa.gov.

Nếu quý vị muốn dịch hướng dẫn này sang ngôn ngữ của quý vị, vui lòng liên hệ Điều Phối Viên Chương Trình, Manette Stamm theo địa chỉ mstamm@bellevuewa.gov.

如果您希望将本指南翻译成您的语言,请联系计划协调员 Manette Stamm,电子邮件为 mstamm@bellevuewa.gov.

如果您希望將這些指南翻譯成您的語言,請聯繫計畫協調員Manette Stamm,電子郵件為 mstamm@bellevuewa.gov.

これらのガイドラインのあなたの言語への翻訳をご希望される場合、プログラムコーディネーター、Manette Stammに mstamm@bellevuewa.gov までご連絡ください。

이 가이드라인이 희망하는 언어로 번역되길 원하시는 경우, 프로그램 코디네이터인 Manette Stamm에게 mstamm@bellevuewa.gov로 연락해 주시기 바랍니다.

Если вы хотите, чтобы эти рекомендации были переведены на ваш язык, свяжитесь с координатором программы Manette Stamm по адресу электронной почты mstamm@bellevuewa.gov.


Eastside Arts Partnership Support Grants 

Eastside Arts Partnerships (EAP) provides 2-year operating support to bring the arts to the community, recognizing the value the arts bring to the quality of life, the education and development of children, the vitality of businesses, and a sense of connection to the community. Applicants must have a 501 (c) 3 designation or a 501 (c) 3 fiscal sponsor and provide publicly accessible programming. While applying for an EAP grant, applicants can apply for the PowerUp for Equal Access bonus grant. This opportunity aims to fill arts and cultural gaps for underserved communities. 


Project Grants

Project grants provide yearly funding for arts, cultural and heritage projects that serve residents and visitors in Bellevue. We encourage innovative projects by artists, individuals and arts organizations that fill cultural gaps and inspire new forms of creative participation. While applying for a Project Grant, applicants can choose to apply for the BelRed Arts District bonus grant. This opportunity aims to incentivize the activation of and work to bring the BelRed Arts District to life. 


Manage Your Application 

Log in - Bellevue Arts & Culture (smapply.io)


Funding History



Download the guidelines here for the Capital Facility program. Guidelines for EAP and Project Grants are below.