The information provided on this site is not required by the Bellevue City Code and should not be relied upon as a substitute for official legal notice.

The Hearing Examiner held a public hearing on March 28 and 29, 2019 and April 3 and 8, 2019 at Bellevue City Hall in Council Chambers. He issued his decision on June 25, 2019. The appeal deadline was July 9, 2019. A copy of the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Decision, along with the attachments are available below.

Affidavits of Service

The decision of the Hearing Examiner on a Process I application is final unless appealed to the City Council. The City Council action deciding any appeal and approving, approving with modifications, or denying a project is the final City decision on a Process I application. A final decision by the City Council following a Process I appeal may be appealed to Superior Court. (LUC 20.35.150.D)             

City Project File


Public Hearing