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Neighborhood Leadership Gathering set for Feb. 27

Residents are invited to the first Neighborhood Leadership Gathering of 2018 on Tuesday, Feb. 27 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. The program will feature new Director of Planning and Community…

Eastside startups bring transformation to Mobile World Congress

Delegation will receive specialized coaching from business development experts prior to departure The world’s largest conference dedicated to mobile technology is about to receive another game-…

Winter weather expected this weekend and into Monday

According to the forecast, there will be accumulating snow in all areas of Bellevue beginning late Saturday evening through mid-day Sunday, followed by clearing skies and temperatures dropping into…

Council Roundup: Briefing on possible Affordable Housing Strategy work

On Monday night, the City Council initiated a discussion on proposed approaches to implementing one of the actions included in Affordable Housing Strategy. The proposal, known as “Action C-1,” is…

East Main station area open house on Feb. 14

The East Main Station Area Plan, developed through the efforts of a Citizens Advisory Committee, contains strategies for redevelopment near the future light rail station located at Main Street and…

Council Roundup: Downtown bikeway demo gets nod

During Monday night’s study session, the City Council reviewed plans and voiced strong support for a demonstration bikeway downtown. All six councilmembers in attendance backed the project on 108th…

City helps you stay on the go

On this month’s Lake to Lake, see: How the city’s Traffic Management Center helps us stay on the go; A look at a new way to access city services; Opportunities for snowshoeing; and…

Open data portal illustrates Bellevue's evolution

Over the course of its history, Bellevue has transformed from a sleepy suburb to a booming economic hub. A unique example of this transition can be found in how the city handles the data it generates…

City completes first segment of new Spring Boulevard

City contractors have completed the first segment of Northeast Spring Boulevard, a new east-west street that will run through BelRed. The BelRed neighborhood is an area that’s slated for rapid…

Place making award for Downtown Park

The Bellevue Downtown Association Thursday honored the city with a Place Making Award for its "Complete the Circle" project at Downtown Park. With the completion this summer of the promenade…
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