Published September 27 2018

On Monday, during the extended study session, the City Council received an update on the 2017 tree canopy assessment results.

The key findings of the study include:

  • 37 percent citywide tree canopy.

  • 40 percent impervious surfaces citywide

  • Bellevue parks have a significant canopy cover of 65 percent overall

  • The majority of the city’s tree canopy is in suburban residential areas, with 65 percent of all canopy.

The data will be used in helping identify potential areas for additional tree canopy to meet the city’s goal of achieving a 40 percent canopy. More details about the findings are available in the agenda packet materials.

King County Housing Authority programs

Earlier, councilmembers were provided an update on the King County Housing Authority’s housing programs in Bellevue and King County.

Bellevue’s work with KCHA is a key component in the implementation of the city’s Affordable Housing Strategy, adopted by the council in 2017. Over the years rental stock throughout the community has increased, while affordability for many renters has plummeted.

KCHA provides multiple programs and services, including rental housing and rental assistance to low-income households. In Bellevue, KCHA operates 15 apartment complexes and eight rental homes, totaling 1,789 affordable housing units in the city.

Local assistance in the city includes 1,381 federally-subsidized households and 1,385 units of workforce housing, serving a total of 2,380 households. The organization also provides over $19 million annually in housing voucher subsidies in Bellevue alone.

KCHA actively acquires properties and builds new housing. The organization also helps nonprofit and for-profit developers buy or build multi-family rental housing in King County with below-market rate financing. A recent example in 2016 was the preservation of the Highland Village apartments.

In addition to housing development, KCHA provides $5 million annually for low-income home repair and weatherization services. Bellevue, along with federal and state sources, provides funding for this program.

Additional background on KCHA’s work can be found in the agenda materials. The full presentation is also available to watch online courtesy of Bellevue Television.