Published January 6 2022

Thursday, Jan. 6
City of Bellevue crews responding to the recent bout of winter weather have now resumed their normal operating hours and are no longer running on 24/7 shifts.
Crews across the city's Transportation, Utilities, Parks and Facilities departments spent the past thirteen days in emergency weather response and support roles related to the ongoing snow event. The current forecast calls for steady rain and breezy winds continuing through this afternoon and into tonight. Rain could become heavy at times later this afternoon and continued heavy rain is expected through tonight combined with temperatures approaching 50 degrees that should melt any residual snow.
Residents are advised to continue using caution as snow melt impacts and flooding could continue to be issues. Flooding preparedness resources are available in multiple languages on the city's website. Report flooding to O&, 425-452-7840 or submit a report through the MyBellevue app.
Wednesday, Jan. 5
Most recent weather impact update from Republic Services: Republic Services is running routes on their normal schedule today and collecting doubles for all customers missed during the snow event last week.
Customers missed on Monday and Tuesday this week due to hazardous road conditions can place triple the usual material out at no charge on their next scheduled service day.
Additionally, Republic Services is offering two recycling drop-off locations today from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Bannerwood Sports Park (1790 Richards Rd, Bellevue, WA 98005) and the North Bellevue Community Center (4063 148th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98007). Bellevue customers can bring bagged household garbage and recycling at no charge to these drop-off sites.
More information and updated alerts are available at Please contact 425-452-4762 with questions
Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022
Icy road conditions continue on side streets throughout Bellevue despite temperatures warming to above freezing. Bellevue Police urged drivers to use extreme caution on roadways as they responded to a number of accidents on Jan. 4 and road crews worked to de-ice certain stretches.
In addition, Republic Services posted this message about garbage service delays to its Alerts page: Due to hazardous road conditions and our commitment to public safety, all routes have a 2-hour delayed start for Tuesday, January 4, 2022. Given ongoing hazardous, icy road conditions today, if we cannot safely access your area, service will resume on your next regular collection day. For routes suspended the week of 12/27/21-12/31/21 due to inclement weather, we will collect double your regular material at no charge on your next regular service collection day.
Friday, Dec. 31
No precipitation is expected Friday or Saturday, but travelers should remain wary of black ice and remaining snow on the streets. With temps in the teens forecast for New Year's Eve night, drivers should be even more careful than usual.
Republic Services has again suspended its routes due to the hazardous road conditions. Updates and details about collection services are available on the company website.
For emergency shelter information, visit our shelter page.
City facilities are closed Friday in observance of the holiday.
Thursday, Dec. 30
Snow continued to fall in Bellevue Thursday morning, but was expected to ease up. Some snowmelts may occur with warmer daytime temperatures, but refreeze is likely when the temperature drops back down at night. Street maintenance continues 24/7 with a focus on primary routes (commuter arterials and neighborhood loops). Once primary routes are passable, crews will begin to service neighborhood streets.
Avoid travel today if possible.
Due to ongoing hazardous road conditions, Republic Services has canceled pickups on Thursday. Customers can put out doubles at no extra charge on their next regular service collection day. Please contact 425-452-4762 with any questions.
Check the status of parks facilities, including warming centers, at Parks & Community Services.
For emergency shelter information, visit our shelter page.
City administrative offices will be closed Friday in observance of the New Year's Day holiday.
Wednesday, Dec. 29
According to the National Weather Service, today is looking dry (and cold) but snow is likely again later tonight and Thursday (1 to 3 inches is expected.)
Street maintenance crews from multiple city departments continue working 24/7 servicing roads (plowing, de-icing, sanding) via a priority route system. Priority is always given to primary arterials (e.g. main commuter routes) and primary neighborhood loops. These are serviced simultaneously to ensure access for public safety/emergency vehicles and essential service vehicles (e.g. transit). To report a road hazard in Bellevue, contact our Maintenance Service Center at 425-452-7840 or O& (Please do not call 9-1-1 to request snow plowing.)
With the storm continuing, residents and businesses are encouraged to have emergency supplies. Please visit our winter weather emergency preparedness page.
Republic Services has again suspended its routes due to hazardous road conditions. Updates and details about collection services is available on the company website.
For the status of all parks facilities, go to the Parks & Community Services webpage.
Congregations for the Homeless is gratefully accepting donations of the following supplies: Blankets, coats (size large to 3X), boots, socks, hats, and towels. Powdered hot chocolate or cider mix, ramen, and tea are welcome, but not other food at this time. During this cold weather, no appointment is needed to drop off requested materials at 515 116th Ave NE, Bellevue (Lincoln Center). Contact
Tuesday, Dec. 28
Flurries remain possible through Tuesday afternoon and evening, with potential for more than a dusting in the hills. The forecast calls for temperatures to stay below freezing Tuesday and Wednesday. Bellevue could see more snow (1 to 3 inches) early Thursday morning.
The Transportation Department is monitoring city streets, with crews on call 24-7 to plow and de-ice streets.
Republic Services suspended its routes Tuesday due to hazardous road conditions. Updates and details about collection services is available on the company website.
Parks facilities, including Highland Community Center, the Indoor Skate Park, the Bellevue Botanical Garden and the Northwest Arts Center, will be closed Wednesday. Crossroads Community Center and North Bellevue Community Center will only be open as warming centers. The status of all parks facilities is available at Parks & Community Services.
Monday, Dec. 27
Bellevue's early morning temperature, according to the National Weather Service, is 16 degrees. Bellevue street crews continue to plow and de-ice roads per its snow priorities routes system (see map). Priority is given to primary roads (noted as red on the map). Other updates:
- Parks and Community Services facilities closures for Monday. Updates posted to Parks & Community Services.
- All programming at community recreation facilities has been cancelled.
- All community centers are closed, except for the North Bellevue Community Center which is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for those seeking a place to keep warm.
- Bellevue Golf Course, driving range, and pro shop are closed.
- Northeast Second Street between 110th and 112th avenues is closed until further notice due to hazardous road conditions.
- Republic Services: No collection services Monday due to hazardous road conditions. Updates posted to Please contact 425-452-4762 with any questions. Republic will collect double regular material at no charge on customers' next regular service collection day.
- King County Metro is on snow route. Metro's Emergency Snow Network (ESN) will be effective at 4 a.m. Monday, Dec. 27, until further notice. Metro will reassess daily whether snow clearing efforts have adequately improved road conditions and determine if there is sufficient staffing and buses to restore service and operate the broader all-day transit network. (Metro Alerts page)
- Sound Transit "ST Express" bus routes are operating on designated snow routes until further notice. Road conditions may change at any time causing reroutes or stop closures with little to no notice. (Sound Transit Alerts page.)
Sunday Dec. 26 update
Snow, ice and freezing temperatures have hit the region and are expected to continue well into next week. Bellevue street crews are currently working hard to clear roads, but additional snow is expected to fall throughout the day. As per the city’s snow response plan, plows are focusing efforts on primary arterial routes and neighborhood loops until passable. Crews will then start secondary arterials and eventually move into all streets.
Residents and visitors are advised to delay trips, if possible. But if you do have to drive, please use caution.
Original Dec. 22 post
Cold temperatures and the possibility of snow are in the forecast for our area. According to the National Weather Service’s Seattle office, Bellevue temperatures are expected to drop Friday night, with up to four inches of snow possible through the Christmas weekend. City transportation crews are monitoring the changing forecast and preparing to sand, de-ice or clear roadways of snow as needed.
With highs to barely rise above freezing Saturday and Sunday and a likelihood of at least some snow in most lowland areas, please keep in mind the below safety tips (also available in 繁體中文, 한국어, Русский, español and tiếng Việt.)
- To report a power outage, please call Puget Sound Energy at 1-888-225-5773 or report it online.
- Clear sidewalks of snow: While city crews plow and sand streets, we ask that property owners clear the sidewalks next to or in front of their home or business.
- When driving, if the power is out and traffic signals are not working, treat the intersection as an all-way stop. Report road hazards in Bellevue by calling 425-452-7840 or emailing O& Service requests will be logged and prioritized.
- To prevent frozen and broken pipes, wrap outside pipes with insulation (available at hardware stores) and let cold water drip from faucets. If you have a broken pipe, call 425-452-7840.
- Prevent carbon monoxide poisoning: If your electricity is out, only use a generator outside. Charcoal or gas grills should also only be used outside.
- Garbage pickup may be affected: Republic Services will publish service updates at
Also visit our Shelters page for shelter availability during severe or extremely cold weather and our Snow and Ice page to find Bellevue's Winterize Guide in multiple languages. For the latest news about winter storms and the city’s response, please check the city's Twitter page.