Published April 2 2024

The Bellevue City Council meetings will move from Monday nights to Tuesdays beginning April 16. The meetings start at 6 p.m. in the council chamber at City Hall. They are also accessible virtually via Zoom.
This change in meeting day gives the public, city staff and councilmembers additional time to prepare for meetings each week.
During the Feb. 12 council meeting, the council unanimously voted to change the council meeting day to Tuesday to give more time between publishing the meeting agenda on Thursdays and holding the meeting the following week. Community members and councilmembers will have additional time to review agenda items and become informed on citywide topics.
The change also results in some board and commission meetings traditionally held on Tuesday to move to other days of the week, including the Human Services Commission and Parks & Community Services Board. Below is a list of upcoming meetings with new dates starting in April:
- Human Services Commission (first and third Mondays of month) – Monday, April 15, 6-8 p.m., City Hall and virtual
- City Council Regular Meeting (Tuesdays going forward) – Tuesday, April 16, 6-10 p.m., City Hall and virtual
- Parks & Community Services Board (third Wednesday of the month) – Wednesday, April 17, 6-8:30 p.m., City Hall and virtual
The latest available information, including access instructions, for all upcoming council, board and commission meetings is available on the city calendar.